Safest and most effective Prohormone


New member
I am a college athlete who is not worried about being tested for anything. I need to put on 20 to 25 pounds quickly. I have a very good diet, work hard, and am not going to be drinking alcohol during a cycle. I have done a lot of research and understand that pro hormones are not safe. That being said, I am still looking to take a pro hormone or something to that affect. Does anybody have any suggestions for the safest, but still effective pro hormone? I am worried about the liver/kidney problems and hair loss side affects. Also, I have heard mixed views on PCT. Is it needed? I am 20 years old. Thank you
Since you're posting this in the anabolic steroid forum, I won't hesitate to tell you prohormones are garbage that have all, and IMO increased side effects of real, injectible steroids with only a fraction of the benefits. You're young, eat big, train hard and in a few the "my first cycle" sticky, source some injectable testosterone, AI and PCT drugs and giver.
Never dealt with prohormones, so I wont comment on that.
For liver/kidney, u should take NAC regularly. Dosage depends on what u are using. Hair loss.... some AAS affects hair loss/unwanted hair growth, more than others. It depends on what u are on/using. And still, some might experience it more than others. Genetics is a big factor as well.
Some might say that PCT wont be necessary for a first light cycle. But I would say PCT is ALWAYS recommended. The purpose of PCT is
- restore your levels back to normal
- and keeping as much gains as possible & speedy recovery

So u really wanna spent 12-20weeks on a cycle, just to fuck it all up by skipping the most important recovery PCT?
Okay thank you guys very much. Do you guys know anything about the side affects of debo and decca? I was thinking about taking a cycle which includes these two
Okay thank you guys very much. Do you guys know anything about the side affects of debo and decca? I was thinking about taking a cycle which includes these two

debo? U mean dbol?

U wanna do prohormones or real juice?
If u wanna do real juice, u should start with something lighter for a first cycle. So that you can get GENTLY introduced to the stuff, how ur body will react, as well as mentally. Common first light cycle recommended is Test-E & Dbol
Safest and most effective Pro hormone

I am a college athlete who is not worried about being tested for anything. I need to put on 20 to 25 pounds quickly. I have a very good diet, work hard, and am not going to be drinking alcohol during a cycle. I have done a lot of research and understand that pro hormones are not safe. That being said, I am still looking to take a pro hormone or something to that affect. Does anybody have any suggestions for the safest, but still effective pro hormone? I am worried about the liver/kidney problems and hair loss side affects. Also, I have heard mixed views on PCT. Is it needed? I am 20 years old. Thank you
Yeah I meant dbol. I have heard that real juice is a lot safer and much better and I would want to do a light cycle where I see results and its not too hard on my body. I will be getting tested for all PED's starting in July so i would want maybe 2 cycles and then I have to shut it down for good.
debo? U mean dbol?

U wanna do prohormones or real juice?
If u wanna do real juice, u should start with something lighter for a first cycle. So that you can get GENTLY introduced to the stuff, how ur body will react, as well as mentally. Common first light cycle recommended is Test-E & Dbol

Test E & Dbol is not recommended for a first light cycle. Test Only for first cycles!
Sounds like you did test/dbol for your first cycle and now your suggesting its a good first cycle.
How much is Test E and how long would I have to run the cycle? What kind of results and side affects are we looking at? I am 6'3 and about 195 pounds.
20 is a bit young, but you're going to do it anyway, so here's my advice. (I did first cycle at 24 and am now 26):

If you're going to join the dark side then forget PHs. They're useless.
Stick to test only (I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEEE test prop, but hate test E; don't know why)
test prop: 525 mg/wk @ 75 mg/day (From personal experience, you need to inject EVERY DAY. I've tried eod and started getting mood swings and you def. don't want that.)
aromasin or arimidex for AI. (dosage will be dependent on your personal needs, i.e. you need to do some research)
PCT: toremifine @ 120/90/60/30. Most guys here will say use clomid, but I hate that shit. Torem is much better for me and I recover the same.

Given your circumstances, I wouldn't cycle, but since you're going to do it anyway this is about as "safe" as it's gonna get. You shouldn't get sides and recovery should be fairly easy. Oh and there is really no need for dbol even if you decide to use enanthate instead of prop since it's really only good for a kickstart. (i.e. adding dbol will not improve gains in a test E cycle in my experience. It does make you feel really good though)
29-25 lbs? Better start eating! There ain't shit out there that will make u gain that kinda weight besides food...
Yeah I meant dbol. I have heard that real juice is a lot safer and much better and I would want to do a light cycle where I see results and its not too hard on my body. I will be getting tested for all PED's starting in July so i would want maybe 2 cycles and then I have to shut it down for good.

You might want to consider the detection times before picking one then.... you asked about deca but it can be detected for up to a year and a half, so that's out already.
And you don't necessarily need to shut it down for good, test suspension can clear within a few days before getting tested.

This might help in your choice:
Steroid Detection Times - Steroid .com

You can also click on the names of things to find out what they are good at, recommended doses etc.

You should probably read the sticky threads here first though because they offer more foundation knowledge essential to understanding the actual profiles.
Yeah the most I've seen off any current ph's around 15 lbs. Eating is key. However if your in good shape and been training like you said, as long as your diet training and nutrition are in check, there are several well liked and logged phs Study reviews on some the experts on here and other forums. I've ran several and I'm 33 with 15 yrs weight lifting. For me any ph can bring sides just like the real stuff and otc products. You will need to study up on pct and cycle support. Check out this as it's my current fav and research. Orbit Nutrition - Buy IronMagLabs M-STEN Rx Cheap! Good luck
First of PH are junk. Orals alone are junk. They will shut you down and have you feeling awful. They do not add much muscle or strength at all and it is all lost after taking them. I have buddies who have used strong ones and I myself accidently used a weak one...guess what it did for me! No noticeable strength or size gains...then after lost the ability to have hardons or even find sex or women attractive. This lasted 5 months...then I was lucky to be able to get half hardons. Now I have lower testosterone, my libido is nothing like it used to be, get fat easier, injured easier, make less muscle gains, shittier life attitude, fatigued easily, the list continues and it has been 1 year since using them. Oh ya and I am 20 years old just like you and that is all from 3 weeks of a weak prohormone! None are safe they will all shut you down and all potentially will do the same to yuou as they have to me. Steroids are no different. They are safer for your liver and health because they are proven chemicals..however still can fuck up your natural test levels. YOu don't even realize how awful these side effects are until it happens to you. Stay away from it for 5 years at least. I doubt you train properly or have a good diet even though you seem to think so. You won't make any more gains using prohormones. Honestly you will just go backwards in progress. Sounds fun eh!