SARMS, a new thing or another typical useless product


New member
Seems like a lot of people are talking about the new SARMS product that is going to be open to the market.

Does anyone have any experience using them?
How did it go?
What SARM did u use/Dosage/Length?

How do they compare to anabolic steroids in general. It looks to me that they are just another phase in the BB community like PH and that they can't compare to steroids in general. The only benefit I see from them after reading articles is that they provide some mass gain with little to no sides at all.

Seems like a lot of people are talking about the new SARMS product that is going to be open to the market.

Does anyone have any experience using them?
How did it go?
What SARM did u use/Dosage/Length?

How do they compare to anabolic steroids in general. It looks to me that they are just another phase in the BB community like PH and that they can't compare to steroids in general. The only benefit I see from them after reading articles is that they provide some mass gain with little to no sides at all.


They don't, lol.

Not that they don't have a place but really aren't comparable at all to AAS... whole other ballgame. I've run S4 and GW a few times, minor benefits... there's a lot of crap being spewed about them and very little human research, so take that as you will. I'd take my TRT dose over either any day lol :)
They don't, lol.

Not that they don't have a place but really aren't comparable at all to AAS... whole other ballgame. I've run S4 and GW a few times, minor benefits... there's a lot of crap being spewed about them and very little human research, so take that as you will. I'd take my TRT dose over either any day lol :)

Lol trt dose over them. Yeah, this thread is a bit old before i looked more into it.