sarms as a cycle or for p.c.t support?


New member
I was going to do a cycle of either sd/hd or dmz and after one pill of dmz I had a game plan change. I am looking into sarms s1 and ostarine from a reputable source. I actually just got that and some Nolva from a good source just in case so now I'm thinking would the sarm be good enough for a cycle or do I need to use them for p.c.t. I can't get test and don't wanna run long cycles so I really need advice or ideas. I will run a log when I do my stack.
No I did a few cycles years back.. I got some Nolva but decided instead of doing dmz I might do ostarine and maybe formastane as a cycle or start with dmz and 4andro and bridge to ostarine and might search for Hcg for in between bridge and right before a low dose pct off the sarm
That's what I thought.. I was Gunna do sd but I want some test and that seems like I should get good gains and the pct should be 5 weeks and somewhat painless
It is great used both ways. I think the osta in PCT is good and sarms are also very effective as a bridge.
Thanks I was thinking of doing 12 mg a day or two before I stop my cycle I just started of dmz.. is that too high or low for that purpose? Also is hcg all its cracked up to be? I hear mixed things and don't think it's worth the extra scrap
You can do it either way really. Up to you dude! Everyone is different so the only way to find out is to try it both ways at some point and see which you like better in terms of your progress and results
That sounds good but I'm just Gunna run regular dmz at 1 to two pills maxing 32 mg a day with formestane and ad 3 on nights I get bloated the pct it up with Nolva and clomid for a week then lower that dose and jump on ostarine and daa to get a nice bridge then mini pct
Osta has been very successful in PCT , keeps you anabolic keeps the gains you made and best of all you KEEP making gains. Some people are against it some people are for it , I will be running Osta in my PCT hopefully it's as successful as others on this forum that have done the same.
Try to link them to a ph so you stay on for 10/12/14 wks total.

LGD 1-8
Ph 8-13

Things like that. Spending continous time on cycle is what brings the better gains.