Sarms for Achilles tendon surgery recovery/healing?


New member
Hi, I friend of mine was playing football and tore his achilles tendon and had to have surgery to repair it. Now hes has 3 months to wait for it to heal. He asked me to ask around and see if anyone had experience in using sarms to speed up healing/recovery and what would you recommend.

His stats: 220 pounds, 5 9', no cycle experience, 45 years old. bf% 25-

Many thanks in advance!
There are sarms that increase igf. These would be the ones to try out. That's a helluva tough injury tho and at his age it's gonna be a slow process. Sarms may or may not even work. Now if he were to use HGH that I can see helping a little.

There are sarms that increase igf. These would be the ones to try out. That's a helluva tough injury tho and at his age it's gonna be a slow process. Sarms may or may not even work. Now if he were to use HGH that I can see helping a little.


thanks! what would you recommend for him to take to speed things up?
Ok... HGH, IGF 1 or both. You can also use igf 1 with ghrp 2....and of course add in HGH.. also there is a peptide called BPC-157...I know some people are trying it out on injury sites...

Along with that what ever exercise he is allowed to do as much as he can as often along with trips to some kind of sports injury Dr.... I dont think ultrasound would work but Idk for sure about that. Ultrasound promotes blood flow to injury site for faster healing...except...tendons pretty much get like almost no blood flow to begin with. But it's worth looking into.

There is also stem cell therapy...and other advanced therapy.
MK677 is a HGH Secretagogue - it forces the body to create more HGH than it normally would. You get multiple large pulses a day instead of just the normal one at night while you sleep. It would be a great addition to increase your HGH and therefor his IGF levels. HGH helps with tendon repair and strength. I would also add TB500 to aid in damaged cell repair and dead cell removal. You can inject that into your stomach fat as it goes systemic. The body sends it to wherever there is inflammation. If he has no inflammation, it might not help much. BPC157 is also good, but it needs to be injected within 4 inches of the damaged area, so keep that in mind. BPC157 helps tendon to bone repair and helps tendons heal from tears.

Personally, I would use all three of them at the same time to maximize the effects of each...provided money is not an issue. Of the three, TB500 is the one to drop first if he does not have the cash for all three since it has the most limited effect for what ails him.