-SARMS INFO THREAD!--hosted by SarmsSearch.com

Anyone going to create logs of their run?

I'm starting the log from tomorrow.

i had a question, was hoping someone could answer.
so I'm taking MK-2866/ostarine from sarmsserch also my wife and i r trying to have a baby so would MK-2866 in anyway cause any sort of problem?
we had a miscarriage last year so we r starting again and id hate to let anything get in way or less my chances of getting the wifey pregnant, shout out to PSL for their cialis for the extra help every night lol
Do you mean both together OR one or the other? Both seems like too much.

Both. LGD completely shuts you down as if you had injected testosterone. A scant 1mg a day for a week will completely shut down your HTPA axis. You need to do PCT as if you just ran injectable test.
I'm starting the log from tomorrow.

i had a question, was hoping someone could answer.
so I'm taking MK-2866/ostarine from sarmsserch also my wife and i r trying to have a baby so would MK-2866 in anyway cause any sort of problem?
we had a miscarriage last year so we r starting again and id hate to let anything get in way or less my chances of getting the wifey pregnant, shout out to PSL for their cialis for the extra help every night lol

It is slightly suppressive, but not too much. Nothing like doing AAS or if you ran LGD. It should not pose any issues, provided you are otherwise healthy.

If you want some more UMPH in the nether areas, I would recommend adding PT141, a peptide (RUI sells it). It works for both men AND women. Where Cialis improves blood flow (which is why only men need to take it), PT141 improves the electrical signals involved in sex, which is why it works for men and women alike. It can really improve the enjoyment and desire for sex.
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Ive got a question concearning stacking and dosing, i k ow somehing luje ostarine i believe is usually 25mg for 4 to 6 weeks, if you did something similar to a tripple stack does it not effect your dosage or increase the chance of shut down? Is there any real bennefit to just doing 1 sarm other than cash of course?
Hey I am thinking about making the plunge into sarms I think I am going to run LGD, Ostar, and MK677. This will be my first run in with any anabolic and considering that could you please help me build a cycle with dosages and please include a pct I know a lot of people say you don't need one but fuck that I'd rather spend the extra money and have a working set of balls.
205lb at best
(Skinny as fuck haha)

Any help me greatly appreciated

Ah here we go. Going to be running 8 weeks on the GW-50 and see if I can work away some of this tummy pudge! *fingers crossed*
I have some Clen too, hmmm wonder what it would do with the GW-50
Would try GW to help my runs but the published literature on side effects are worrisome.

There have been some new studies done since then, I have them posted in the prohormone section. In a nutshell, no one else had cancer effects in their studies and one of the studies actually used GW50 to kill cancer cells. I would not worry about cancer with GW50. The lowest dose (other than the no dose group) was equivalent to you taking and entire bottle of GW50 a day, every day, for a month. Yeah, don't do that, it is bad. :)

Yes, I know the post I quoted was from 2014, but I wanted to reference the new info about GW50. :)
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Ah here we go. Going to be running 8 weeks on the GW-50 and see if I can work away some of this tummy pudge! *fingers crossed*
I have some Clen too, hmmm wonder what it would do with the GW-50

It gave me the shakes and made me hot, but the fat did burn off faster. The shakes were more pronounced when I was on GW50. No idea why, just something to think about so you start with a lower than normal Clen dose.
It gave me the shakes and made me hot, but the fat did burn off faster. The shakes were more pronounced when I was on GW50. No idea why, just something to think about so you start with a lower than normal Clen dose.

Maybe I should run it solo first and then try clen with it later if the results aren't where i want them lol i don't need people think i'm going into a damn epileptic episode
Also, Im going to run this solo 20mg a day for 2 weeks and then drop to the 15 or 10 for the rest of the 8 weeks. Or does it matter and i should just do 4 weeks of 20mg and then 10.
Also, Im going to run this solo 20mg a day for 2 weeks and then drop to the 15 or 10 for the rest of the 8 weeks. Or does it matter and i should just do 4 weeks of 20mg and then 10.

Most people find 20mg their sweet spot, so I would run it there for most of the time. You can play with the dosing, raising or dropping by 5mg, and see if it makes any difference to you. Everyone is slightly different here. I use 30mg a day as my sweet spot - more does not give me much increase, but I notice it is not as good for me if I run it at 20mg.
As for mixing. We all know that the taste is not the best in the world. I mixed in like a tablespoon of gatorade but im reading should only be mixed with grapef***t juice or something i guess it helps absorption?
I'm using the gw50 from Sarmssearch right now and it is the fire!!!! I'm blown away how well it works for endurance and I've lost 6-8 lbs in under three weeks without changing anything in my diet I just added gw50 and Ostarine. My vascularity is insane also my veins look like pencils while training.
As for mixing. We all know that the taste is not the best in the world. I mixed in like a tablespoon of gatorade but im reading should only be mixed with grapef***t juice or something i guess it helps absorption?

anyone? by the way Cyber thanks for all of the info
I know it has been a while since anyone has posted, but seeing as how this is the post i learned the most about my goodies. I have an unopened bottle of LGD 4033, says expired 2/2018
wondering i could still use it. or do like the compounds break down after a time and become useless?
I know it has been a while since anyone has posted, but seeing as how this is the post i learned the most about my goodies. I have an unopened bottle of LGD 4033, says expired 2/2018
wondering i could still use it. or do like the compounds break down after a time and become useless?

Not 100% sure on peptides but if its same as steroids it has more to do with how its been stored.