-SARMS INFO THREAD!--hosted by SarmsSearch.com

Interesting read. Thanks for all the info.

I'm trying to send you a PM psizzle but I can't due to post count I think. Would you mind sending me a PM when you have some time. Thanks.

The post count needs to be up for mine to work too I believe
So I've always stayed away from steroids, pro hormones etc. However, I thought to myself if I was going to try something it would be pro hormones but I never pulled the trigger because of the side effects I was reading about. Then I heard and read about SARMS, I joined this forum and found this thread. Wow there is so much information here. Needless to say SARMS is probably what I'm going to dive into. Psizzle_8 thank you so much for this thread. With that said I have a few questions before I can commit:

- I need to cut at least 10-15 pounds of fat then would like to bulk back up, from my research S4 and GW is the perfect combination for fat loss, would you recommending doing S4 + GW first or then go with S4 + GW + OSTA or just go with S4 + GW + OSTA right off the bat?
So I've always stayed away from steroids, pro hormones etc. However, I thought to myself if I was going to try something it would be pro hormones but I never pulled the trigger because of the side effects I was reading about. Then I heard and read about SARMS, I joined this forum and found this thread. Wow there is so much information here. Needless to say SARMS is probably what I'm going to dive into. Psizzle_8 thank you so much for this thread. With that said I have a few questions before I can commit:

- I need to cut at least 10-15 pounds of fat then would like to bulk back up, from my research S4 and GW is the perfect combination for fat loss, would you recommending doing S4 + GW first or then go with S4 + GW + OSTA or just go with S4 + GW + OSTA right off the bat?

I'm a believer in adding one compound at a time. I'd start with osta, as it's the most versatile IMO. It is the king of recomp. Fat loss and muscle gains can be expected with ostarine. However, SARMS are virtually side effect free, so combining 2 or even jumping into a triple stack is not completely out of the question. My recommendation is to cut 5-10lbs of fat naturally, then use the sarms to trim the last few lbs and polish up your physique. Maybe drop 8 lbs naturally then add the osta/gw/s4 stack and finish up your cut with that.
I'm a believer in adding one compound at a time. I'd start with osta, as it's the most versatile IMO. It is the king of recomp. Fat loss and muscle gains can be expected with ostarine. However, SARMS are virtually side effect free, so combining 2 or even jumping into a triple stack is not completely out of the question. My recommendation is to cut 5-10lbs of fat naturally, then use the sarms to trim the last few lbs and polish up your physique. Maybe drop 8 lbs naturally then add the osta/gw/s4 stack and finish up your cut with that.

Thank you much appreciated, how about strictly for fat loss would you say S4 is a better compound than Osta?
S4 is better for when you're already at a low bf%, to harden up and get that chiseled look.. Osta beats s4 in terms of fat-loss IMO. I always seem to lean out in my mid section on osta, no matter if I'm bulking or cutting. GW-50 is the king of fat loss though. That's it's main purpose.
S4 is better for when you're already at a low bf%, to harden up and get that chiseled look.. Osta beats s4 in terms of fat-loss IMO. I always seem to lean out in my mid section on osta, no matter if I'm bulking or cutting. GW-50 is the king of fat loss though. That's it's main purpose.

the man speaks the truth
Hey there psizle_8 !! Brand new to this forum but I read this entire thread and tried to PM you but it wouldn't let me? Maybe i am too new haha!

Anyways was wondering on what your take on peps vs SARMS were? I just started a pep cycle and am just now discovering SARMS and am very interested because I didn't like the sides I received from Var. Do you think it would be safe to run S-4 along with my pep cycle?
Was researching RAD140. For those who do not know, the RAD stands for Radius, which is the name of the company doing the research and development. There is a GREAT write up about it HERE, but it is highly technical in nature. It describes the process by which they developed it, what their plans were, the stumbling blocks along the way, etc. This is my favorite part,though:

Despite the rather dramatic increases in body weight over such a short time, there was no elevation of liver enzyme transaminase levels in any animal at any dose >2 fold over its baseline value. Given the well-established relationship between oral androgen use and liver stress indicators, we were quite pleased that at a dose 10-fold greater than the fully effective dose we saw minimal liver enzyme elevations.Taken in sum, RAD140 has all the hallmarks of a SARM. It is potency selective, since it stimulates muscle weight increases at a lower dose than that required to stimulate prostate weight increases. Moreover, it is also efficacy selective, because it is fully anabolic on muscle but demonstrates less than complete efficacy on the prostate and seminal vesicles and, in fact, can partially antagonize the stimulation of the seminal vesicles induced by testosterone. RAD140 has excellent pharmacokinetics and is a potent anabolic in nonhuman primates as well. We believe the overall preclinical profile of RAD140 is very good, and the compound has completed preclinical toxicology in both rats and monkeys.

To restate, it creates muscle growth like Testosterone does, is not liver toxic at all (even though it is orally administered), does not cause prostate growth (and in fact helps protect against testosterone causing it), and has no known side effects.

The researchers also did experiments on monkeys. The animals were given an oral dose of 0.01, 0.1 and 1 mg RAD140 per kg bodyweight daily for four weeks. The human equivalent of these doses would be about 0.3, 3 and 30 mg RAD140 per day. Even the lowest dose increased the lean body mass - albeit only by 100 g, but even so. The stuff just seems to shine brighter and brighter!

Hope the experience/experts can help tell me what to take and achieve the results I set.

Current Size -
Age: 31
Height: 5'9
Weight: 154-160 lbs

Supplements I used earlier this year -
IronMagLabs DMZ 3.0
IronMagLabs Advanced Cycle Support
VitalLabs Post Cycle 3X
Prime Male Natural Testosterone
Bullnox Preworkout Test Igniter

Before the 2015 Prohormone Ban, I purchased the DMZ 3.0 and liked the results it had given me. Since it has been discontinued IronMagLabs now sells DMZ 4.0. I did some research and the reviews on it seems it doesn't have the same effect as DMZ 3.0. When I was done with the DMZ 3.0 cycle and after my post cycle was complete I started using Prime Male. It works fine to keep and maintain the size I had put on, but since July I have not taken any supplements besides whey protein. Since mid November until now I have been slacking and inconsistent with going to the gym.

Well I'm ready to change my focus and get back into the gym consistently and have been looking for new supplements/products to take to help achieve maximum results within a few weeks. I came across SARMS and been looking into it but have questions and hope you can help answer them for me.

What I am trying to accomplish is get to about 160-165lbs of lean muscle mass and at the same time get cut/tone from it.

- What SARMS will I need to take?
- Which SAMRS can I stack safely (only if recommended and safe)?
- What dosage do I need to stick with?
- Can I take other supplements while using SARMS (ex. PrimeMale, Test Boosters, Creatine, etc)?
- Any On-Cycle or Post-Cycle (required or recommended)?
- Anything I left out that is important to gaining my results and preventing body harm?

I hope you can help me out ASAP since I am ready to get right into building muscle. Thanks!
You just can't go wrong with a solo run of Sarmssearch Ostarine!! The stuff just flat out works. Minimal, to no sides. I don't think I've ever seen any negative feedback on this compound.
You just can't go wrong with a solo run of Sarmssearch Ostarine!! The stuff just flat out works. Minimal, to no sides. I don't think I've ever seen any negative feedback on this compound.

Thanks I'm gonna order some soon seems like a great sponser also super excited thanks for the feed back bro what doses should I look at