-SARMS INFO THREAD!--hosted by SarmsSearch.com

Question. ..

Id like to do a sarm bridge after pct to next cycle. Main goal r now is bulking back to about 215-220. I started m sten and on d13. Start weight was 204ish. Im currently hovering around 214.

Id like to try and retain some of this new muscle/stregnth gains while lose a bunch of stomach and chest fat thats being stubborn.

What do you recommend? Is it true no pct needed for a sarm cycle correct?
If you could point me into direction of a cycle thst will boost energy, burn fat and retain some new growth ill be all over it

You'd love the triple stack. Which consists of:
- Osta...the original anabolic sarm that everyone fell in love with. Also promotes strength and recovery as all sarms do
- S4- my personal favorite...you'll gain some LBM but it really shines as a cutter and hardens what you gain from the anabolic Osta. I feel like a superhero on S4 because of the crazy strength gains and overall feeling of well-being.
- GW- this is a popular one. It not only promotes cardiovascular endurance so your cardio sessions are a breeze, it also promotes muscular endurance, which means you can spend more time with the weights...and GW is also effective at burning fat which is what makes it a popular choice.

Can't go wrong with a triple stack. And as always SarmsSearch is the company I trust for sarms.
Two weeks left on my first cycle with SARMs (only 12.5 mg Ostarine for 8 weeks, never used AAS/PH/SARMs before). Purchased from SarmsSearch and could not have been more impressed. Even on this low dose my lifts have increased, I gained a few pounds but can see more definition, definitely feel more endurance on my lifts and runs and most importantly have kept healthy legs/shins despite running for speed and distance. Only negatives I've seen are increase in blood pressure and feeling like I can't get enough sleep despite solid 8-9 hours per night. Started to run HCGenerate (seriously overpriced) and DAA this week to kick off transition to PCT.

My only question is... how long should I wait before I can run Ostarine again? Thinking about going up to 25mg this time. Would try GW to help my runs but the published literature on side effects are worrisome.
Two weeks left on my first cycle with SARMs (only 12.5 mg Ostarine for 8 weeks, never used AAS/PH/SARMs before). Purchased from SarmsSearch and could not have been more impressed. Even on this low dose my lifts have increased, I gained a few pounds but can see more definition, definitely feel more endurance on my lifts and runs and most importantly have kept healthy legs/shins despite running for speed and distance. Only negatives I've seen are increase in blood pressure and feeling like I can't get enough sleep despite solid 8-9 hours per night. Started to run HCGenerate (seriously overpriced) and DAA this week to kick off transition to PCT.

My only question is... how long should I wait before I can run Ostarine again? Thinking about going up to 25mg this time. Would try GW to help my runs but the published literature on side effects are worrisome.

Time on + Pct time = time off.

Did you get any bloodwork before/during this cycle? Were you suppressed at all? What did you run for PCT?

If you weren't suppressed you may not need as much time off, but I'd always give it at least time on = time off. The fact is we don't know the full scope of long term side effects related to Osta.
Time on + Pct time = time off.

Did you get any bloodwork before/during this cycle? Were you suppressed at all? What did you run for PCT?

If you weren't suppressed you may not need as much time off, but I'd always give it at least time on = time off. The fact is we don't know the full scope of long term side effects related to Osta.

Will get bloodwork done at the end of cycle, have had bloodwork done about a month or two before starting so have a relative baseline. Didn't "feel" like I was suppressed much, might of had some minor testicle shrinkage but nothing worth writing home about. No gyno, no acne, joints felt GREAT (better than before cycle), minor tendon aches and pains from lifting seemed to be much better. Will say for certain that my back felt pretty tight/sore throughout the cycle (have taken 2 grams of taurine twice daily since it supposedly helps with this). Blood pressure was up noticeably, will monitor this closely once cycle ends.

Started HCGenerate around week 6 of the 8 week cycle. Will run the full bottle of hcgenerate (4 weeks) and also a bottle of SNS Bulbine (Prolensis) once the cycle ends. Not using any AI or other estrogen control.
Going to use GW for endurance (not cutting) to help with runs. I read that 10mg per day would be a good dose. Should this be split 5mg in AM and then 5mg pre-run/workout or just 10mg at pre-run? Should I expect any muscle loss while on GW?
Going to use GW for endurance (not cutting) to help with runs. I read that 10mg per day would be a good dose. Should this be split 5mg in AM and then 5mg pre-run/workout or just 10mg at pre-run? Should I expect any muscle loss while on GW?

the GW just gives you crazy endurance.....its insane
@psizzle_8 any current promotional codes at SarmsSearch? Looking to buy two more bottles but the old codes have expired. NEED20 also has expired.

I got some questions about gw 50. Is sarms search gw better than sarms1? I tried extreme peptides and sarms 1 and was no impressed at all. Also will it pop up on a drug test?
I got some questions about gw 50. Is sarms search gw better than sarms1? I tried extreme peptides and sarms 1 and was no impressed at all. Also will it pop up on a drug test?

I had a BAD time with sarms1, garbage. Im a Sarms Search fan. I have used GW many times. You will not make you fail a drug test.
Hey psizzle_8 can you answer some gw50 questions?

Surely. Hey, in the future, if I'm slow getting to you, shoot me a PM with a link to the thread you're asking questions in. :)

GW is my second favorite product from SarmsSearch (s4 is my favorite)...I have a lot of experience with GW so I'd love to help you.
psizzle, I cannot seem to get a PM through to you. I don't really know why, but it just refuses to work. It lets me PM other people, but not you.

The thing that I am curious about is whether or not mk-677 would be detectable on a full panel urinalysis drug test. If you wouldn't mind explaining why or why not, that would also be greatly appreciated!
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psizzle, I cannot seem to get a PM through to you. I don't really know why, but it just refuses to work. It lets me PM other people, but not you.

The thing that I am curious about is whether or not mk-677 would be detectable on a full panel urinalysis drug test. If you wouldn't mind explaining why or why not, that would also be greatly appreciated!

Wonder why you can't pm me?

Well first off if it's just a standard drug panel, they test for rec drugs. The drugs being amphetamines, barbituates, Xanax, cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy, opiates, pcp, etc. They're not looking for PEDs.

I know this because I worked for a drug testing company for several years. the steroid panels are pretty rare, I only did one my entire career working there and it was ordered by a pissed off ex wife wanting to take her kids away from her husband. And that test is not cheap.

The steroid panel tests for things like dbol, anavar, winny, etc. Not sarms.
SarmsSearch.com is proud to announce the arrival of RAD140 and SR9009! As usual, SarmsSearch delivers pure and potent products to give you the best results possible!

Use SHREDDED30 at checkout for 30% off all orders!

Stock up on these great new products while they last!!

1. RAD140

We have our FIRST EVER log up on RAD140, find it here: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a.../675776-rad140-first-ever-log-sarmsearch.html
^^ Not only is this log delivering, but there are links to some awesome pages with information on RAD140. Check it out!!

2. SR9009

This is from an article on healthline.com, which can be found here: New Drug Mimics the Effects of Exercise on Muscles

Soon, there may be a pharmaceutical fix for those who struggle with diet and exercise. Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have successfully tested a drug, called SR9009, in mice that kickstarts metabolism and results in increased muscle development.

Essentially, it's an exercise regime in a pill.

SR9009 alters the profile of skeletal muscle in a manner similar to the changes observed [in] animals [that] are endurance trained. Basically, the drug sends a signal to the muscle to tell it to modify its metabolism, says drug developer Thomas Burris, Ph.D., a professor in the department of molecular therapeutics at TSRI.

Half of the mice studied showed improved running endurance in terms of both time and distance. What was clearly interesting was that a small, drug-like molecule could increase rate in skeletal muscle and increase exercise endurance, Burris adds.

Not Just a Diet Pill
There is no way to sugarcoat it: though many have tried maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult. Because its hard, many have tried "miracle" weight-loss pills and other quick fixes for something that ultimately requires a lifestyle change. Many over-the-counter diet and weight-loss pills are unregulated and may contain dangerous ingredients.

SR9009, however, isn't like appetite suppressants, laxatives, or fat blockers.And you wont find SR9009 in the ingredient lists of protein powders or exercise supplements.

The difference between SR9009 and other diet pills is in its chemistry. SR9009 is not an appetite suppressant as many weight-loss drugs are and directly works by increasing the rate of muscle, Burris says.

Your metabolism speeds up and slows down naturally during the day, meaning that sometimes food is used for energy and sometimes it is stored as fat. By re-synching a dysfunctional clock, SR9009 ensures that food and excess fat are used as energy.

SR9009 is one of a pair of compounds developed at TSRI by Burris and his team. The drug binds to Rev-erb, a natural protein in the body that influences lipid and glucose metabolism in the liver, inflammatory responses, and fat-storing cells. By binding to Rev-erb, SR9009 can kickstart metabolism with another pleasant side-effect: increased muscle strength.

"It transforms muscle into muscle that by many attributes appears to be exercising," Burris explains.

I am SO excited about these products!!
Use code SHREDDED30 for 30% off and grab you a few bottles while supplies last!!
Interesting read. Thanks for all the info.

I'm trying to send you a PM psizzle but I can't due to post count I think. Would you mind sending me a PM when you have some time. Thanks.