Sarms Ostapure Cycle Help


New member
Started using Ostapure by BlackStone Labs it's dosed at 15mg each pill.

I'm 3 days into a 4 week cycle of 2 pills a day (30mg).

I'm concerned about this product because I've heard that since sarms are research chemicals they can't be sold in pill form. This leads me to believe maybe the pills are filled with something else such as a mild PH.

Anyways for pct I have eradicate and DAA how should I use these in pct to keep strength and most importantly avoid Gyno.

Eradicate is an AI that contains Arimistane

I was thinking maybe 1 pill a day for a week and then 1 pill every other day while using daa.
So cycle will look like:

Weeks 1-4
Ostapure 30mg

Week 5
DAA + Eradicate 1 pill everyday

Week 6
DAA + Eradicate 1 pill every other day.

Is this alright for a first cycle I've never ran AAS or Prohormones before

I'm really concerned about gyno and possible estrogen rebound. I do not have access to SERMs so I cannot use Nolva or Clomid.

Thank you for any responses in advance
I'm not a fan of Blackstone Labs. I've bought several of their products and they have all been garbage.