Sarms PCT and then Sarms Cycle


New member
In three weeks I will be finishing a cycle of Xcel Sports Nutrition Tren Devastation. I will be running Clomid, Nolvadex and Aromasin for 4 weeks.

During my PCT I would like to also run Ostarine and GW-50156 for 4 weeks.

Once my PCT is complete can I then start a quadruple Sarm cycle? i.e. a 12 week cycle of the following:

Or do I have to wait a while before launching into a straight Sarms cycle if I am using Sarms in my PCT?

On the same note assuming that I don't have to wait before starting a straight Sarms cycle, what happens when I get to the PCT stage again for that Sarms only cycle? Do i have to remain off Sarms at this point for 3-4 weeks?

Thanks guys for your help!
Yes you can run that if you want. But you'll of course need to PCT again afterwards

As far as your second point.. I would say yes. The body needs a break afterwards. Diminished returns anyways and increased myostatin levels means you will see less and less the longer you are on sarms without enough off time.
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make sure those are quality sarms you are using. Cheaper is not better. Check out the discount code in psizzles signature for sarmssearch products. Best around!