GW-501516 Log


New member
The purpose of this thread will be to log my usage of GW-501516 from

I am 26 5'10 and 215 pounds. Never been a good judge of body fat so you can just take a look at my pic. I have recently started getting back into the swing of things like working out and eating right. Had a pretty rough and lazy 2013. Got out of a long relationship moved around a lot ect. Now I am just trying to get back to my old healthy in shape pre 2013 self lol.

GW caught my eye for the endurance and fat burning benefits. Since I started working out again I have been pretty sluggish in the gym. I also used to run quite a bit and I would like to start running again. I am hoping to get more endurance in the gym and in my runs.

I won't be logging my exact workouts sets, reps, weight ect since GW isn't really a strength building compound. Mostly how my workouts are going as in endurance and intensity. Will also be logging my run stats.

Going to take 20mgs a day split into 2 doses. One first thing in the morning the second after work/pre workout.

Started today with 10mgs in the morning and went to work. I work a pretty physical job. On my feet all day with a lot of lifting. I get winded a lot at work when it gets busy. Didnt notice much of a change today.
10mgs after work and went to the gym to run on the treadmill for the first time in probably 9 months or so. The last time I ran i did 2 miles in 16min 30seconds. Today I did 1 mile in just over 8 minutes before I had to stop. Now the positive thing here is I had to stop because my shins were killing me not because of me getting winded. I figured I would have gassed out before that so this could be a good sign. Im guessing my shins were dying because I weigh 215. I used to weigh 130 when I ran my fastest 2 mile in 12 minutes.

The only picture I will be posting is this side shot. I know its not the best but with my jobs I cannot be recognized. The other side of my torso and back is filled with tattoos. The side shots will be to gauge my hopeful fat loss.

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Day 2 - 10mgs upon waking and off to work. Felt pretty good at work all day. Took a short nap after work then another 10mgs. Rest day today from working out so I just went for a run. Run went worse then yesterday. The pumps i'm getting in my shins are debilitating. It feels like the pumps you get from taking an oral steroid. Only made it just over half a mile before I couldn't take the pain anymore. Cardiovascular endurance was great though.. not even feeling it yet. I will probably start supplementing some taurine before cardio to see if that will help with the pumps.
Day 3 - First time weight lifting since starting. Did shoulders tris and abs. My workout was nothing short of amazing. I definitely noticed a huge improvement in intensity and endurance. Before I was doing maybe 3 exercises with a lot of rest in between. Today I felt unstoppable with very little rest in between sets and exercises.

Today I did
DB Shoulder Press X 4 Sets
Upright Rows X 4
Cable Side Lats X 4
Cable Front Lats X 4
Rear DB Lats X 4
And ended with some Arnold Presses X 4 because I was feeling pretty good.

Scull Crushers X 4 Sets
French Press X 4
DB Kickbacks X 4
Tri Extension Machine X 4
Cable Pull Downs X 4

Abs I just did a few different workouts super setting with the Tri Extension Machine.

Arms are dead now but I feel great. Can't wait to see how the rest of the month turns out.
Day 4 - Epic fail on my part. Just woke up from my ridiculous nap after work lol... Missed the gym. Have the day off tomorrow so I will make it up then. Been on mandatory overtime at work all week so I've been more than exhausted.
Listen to your body my friend. I'd continue with your scheduled rest day. Just stay strict with your diet then hit it hard your next scheduled gym day. It'll be worth it
Listen to your body my friend. I'd continue with your scheduled rest day. Just stay strict with your diet then hit it hard your next scheduled gym day. It'll be worth it

Thanks for the advice. Been doing alright with my diet. I'm trying to tinker around with my budget to see if I can afford 3J to take it to the next level.
Day 5 - Intended to take a rest day today but I felt really good after getting a ton of sleep the day before and throughout the night. Today I worked on back and traps with some forearm exercises afterwords. Workout went very well. Really fast paced with little rest in between sets.
I am really liking this GW so far.
Day 6 - Rest Day
Day 7 - Been feeling great at work on GW. I can keep going all day without getting tired.

Workout today was Chest and Biceps. Really good workout. Powered through it with little rest. I did a little bit of cardio at the end. Intervals on the treadmill. 60 seconds sprinting 120 seconds walking repeat. I did that for 20-25 minutes.

Will be starting with 3J very soon to get on a solid diet. Still sitting at 215 pounds as of this morning.
Day 8 - I feel like the energizer bunny at work. I can go nonstop without skipping a beat. Leg day at the gym. Usually one of my more lethargic workouts. Had great energy and the workout was very intense. I am very impressed so far with GW. It has only been a week and the results are amazing to me.
Works been a bit wild lately sorry for the lack of updates.

Day 9 - Rest Day

Day 10 - Shoulders/Triceps/Abs - As usual the workout was killer. I am able to add more sets and exercises into my workouts. I also feel like I am in and out of the gym in no time.

Day 11 - Back/Traps/Forearms - Back was bothering me a little during work today so I took it easy in the gym. Just lifted really light with high reps.