SarmsSearch Sponsored GW-50 Log

Still going strong on 30mg a day, done in one dose. I am finding cardio no longer a burden - no longer something to be dreaded. :) Not sure if I posted this before, but I got a second bottle so I do not have to stop when the first is done.

What is the recommended on / off time frames?
Still going strong on 30mg a day, done in one dose. I am finding cardio no longer a burden - no longer something to be dreaded. :) Not sure if I posted this before, but I got a second bottle so I do not have to stop when the first is done.

What is the recommended on / off time frames?

according to that dude dilan madouche, you know the guy with multiple sites and does the side flex of his disgusting midsection (you can almost see the salad he ate an hour ago) and shows those tooth pic arms. the ones with the skin clinging on screaming for dear life for someone to end it all.

think he recommended a day or two. I recommend he eats a sandwich and then builds a bridge to the middle of the desert and jumps off
Great log cybrsage!!! I also used GW50 for the entire time I did the barbell club and I definitely noticed my recovery between sets were incredible. Never once did I get winded at all. I started off with 20 mg a day in the morning but after 2 weeks I did 20 mg in the morning and 20 mg around 30 minutes before working out. I was seriously impressed by my recovery time in between sets so I think GW50 is legit. I have enough for a couple of days and I'll be finished with my last bottle, so I would personally say that it worked.

Good luck with your workouts and I'll keep up with your log.
I am close to finishing off one bottle and I am liking it, glad I grabbed a second. I have yet to notice its effects weaken due to use. I am not going to pause at all between bottles, as an experiment to see if you really need to or not.

Due to my arm injury, cardio has been harder to do. However, I just realized how much of an idiot I have been about it...there are bicycles there I can use. Your arms are not used at all on a bicycle! Sometimes I impress myself with my lack of vision! :D
OK, tried the bicycles - HATED THEM ALL. They were pretty hard on my knees! Man, I must be getting old. So I did my old standby elliptical but did not hold onto the moving arm parts and instead just used my legs. Got 25 mins in again without wanted to quit or die.

I wonder if upping the dose will also up my minutes...hmmm....should I try it? I have one more dose on bottle one, but I obtained a second bottle to keep going so I can up the dose easily. What do you all think about 40mg?
I think I overdid it with all the extra energy. Next time I do cardio I will not use my arms. My elbow is killing me today. :(
I wish I could make this log more exciting. I have decided to stop using the GW50 for a few weeks to let it clear my system and see what happens to me, cardio wise. I will then restart it to see if I get the same effects as the first time.

I suspect I will, but I want to prove it to myself (and all of you).
Any updates on the cardio dropping or staying? Might wanna try this in a couple months for a spring cut.
I was just coming on to talk about the cardio. The cardio desire is certainly dropping - not sure why GW50 would make me want to do cardio more, but it apparently has. I had a greater desire to do cardio while I was taking GW50 than I do now. Maybe it is all the extra energy and the body knowing I need to use it up. Maybe it is just psychosomatic, dunnno. I do know that I am going to restart using it already.

I already have noticed a drop in energy levels while doing cardio, and a greater desire to say "fuck it" and stop early and pretend I did the entire time I set the machine for. So yeah, the stuff really does work. It has been 3 days without it and it has already cleared out of my system...or at least enough has to make a difference.

I am going to start doing 30mg a day again starting today - I need to do another 30 minute session today and I hope it kicks in fast.
I was interested to see what results you have received so far. I haven't seen anything as far as fat lost etc.

What are your goals? And how has GW-50 helped you reach those goals?
I was interested to see what results you have received so far. I haven't seen anything as far as fat lost etc.

What are your goals? And how has GW-50 helped you reach those goals?

My goal was a simple one, to see if GW50 actually increased endurance or not. To that goal, it is a resounding success. It really does increase endurance, though I had to go to 30mg instead of the standard 20mg that is recommended.

Fat loss and such will be improved simply because I will be doing more cardio at a higher heart rate than without the GW.
there are other forms of cardio- and before you go there, get your mind out of the gutter, I wasn't taking about rock climbing:naughty:

do you have a pool, walking trail or exercise trail. I know the cardio thing can get booooring

worst case you can always do that stupid planking thing. never mind that is stupid, don't do that

I actually no longer mind doing cardio - I did 37 minutes yesterday. GW is a game changer in regards to endurance, it really does work. I no longer wonder why professional sports banned it.

As far as cardio I like to keep it interesting with new and challenging routines. I found this video that has 70 different cardio exercises that you can work into your routine to keep it interesting.

BTW, Ganicus how did you embed that video like that?
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