Sarns? Or Anabolic without injection recommendation


New member
Hey guys,

Pretty sure everybody has been there. My GF is againts me using injections in order to achieve faster and better results at the gym. So I'm looking at alternatives. I've had decent results in the past with a SARMS stack of

- GW-501516
- LGD-4033
- RAD-140

So I was wondering if any of you guys would have suggestion towards a different or better stack that I could do. I'm actually 170 with 18% bodyfat and looking towards getting ripped for the summer. Would like to keep same weight or so, maybe get a 10lbs gains, but definitly go under the 12% bodyfat in order to get that 6 pack. I don't mind anabolic, as long as I don't have to inject. I've come here for help in the past and got very good insight.

Thanks for the help guys,
Welcome back, looks like youll need to bring down your bf% before you get started, hows your diet?
Needle shy i reackon dont go blaming the girl.
And if it really is the girly with a problem be a man and just tell her this is how it is its my body ect .
If your still going to go the oral route
Yk 11
Rad 140
Any of these are a good place to start lgd yk11 and mk would be a good stack
Welcome back, looks like youll need to bring down your bf% before you get started, hows your diet?

Diet is good. Bf% going down really fast so no problem on that. A little low on protein that should be fixed this week. Went from 18 to 15 in the first month.

Thank you for the welcome back :)

Needle shy i reackon dont go blaming the girl.
And if it really is the girly with a problem be a man and just tell her this is how it is its my body ect .
If your still going to go the oral route
Yk 11
Rad 140
Any of these are a good place to start lgd yk11 and mk would be a good stack

Trust me : I have no problem with the needle. If the GF wouldn't have been an issue, this would have been my 3rd cycle.

Surprised not seeing Ostarine in your stack suggestion? Seems for me like one of the most potent sarms out there? Here again, I'm no pro. Thus coming to this forum for knowledge
Diet is good. Bf% going down really fast so no problem on that. A little low on protein that should be fixed this week. Went from 18 to 15 in the first month.

Thank you for the welcome back :)

Trust me : I have no problem with the needle. If the GF wouldn't have been an issue, this would have been my 3rd cycle.

Surprised not seeing Ostarine in your stack suggestion? Seems for me like one of the most potent sarms out there? Here again, I'm no pro. Thus coming to this forum for knowledge

Fair call brother no osta isn't 1 of the more potent sarms i think lgd is something like 8 times stronger not sure about the yk but its definitely stronger and can't really compare mk to osta because is a growth hormone secro and imo rad 140 is the closest sarm to test there is . Osta has its place but more of a bridge imo . Gw would be another one to have a looksee at considering you want to lose a bit of bf if you have any questions you dont want to post just shoot me a pm
as blake mentioned, osta wouldnt be the most potent but combined with others in a stack it can def help.
the other thing i will mention is that every one reacts differently to sarms, there are ogs here you can go through them to help you better make your decision.

iv recently done an osta/s4/gw stack for a recomp , strength gains were good & i saw more muscle def in the end.
Thanks for the advice guys.

I've decided to go with the following stack :

Yk 11
Rad 140

Wondering about dosage though. I've seen yk 4mg or 10mg, Rad 4mg or 10mg, mk 10 or 25 and osta 10 or 25mg. Since I'm relatively a small guy, I was thinking of going maybe with lower dosage but for 8 weeks. Is going on higher dosage really that much better? And 2nd question would be : Will that kind of stack kinda prevent definition from happening in order to get gains, or going to give a lean gain? Or All going to depend on nutrition?
Sarms shut you down, aas shut you down. if you cant take atleast an hrt dose of test by injecton then dont get into this stuff at all... show her the orals are liver toxic (even sarms) and thet simple teste cycle is safest and also most productive. .. IMO
Thanks for the advice guys.

I've decided to go with the following stack :

Yk 11
Rad 140

Wondering about dosage though. I've seen yk 4mg or 10mg, Rad 4mg or 10mg, mk 10 or 25 and osta 10 or 25mg. Since I'm relatively a small guy, I was thinking of going maybe with lower dosage but for 8 weeks. Is going on higher dosage really that much better? And 2nd question would be : Will that kind of stack kinda prevent definition from happening in order to get gains, or going to give a lean gain? Or All going to depend on nutrition?

Thats a nice stack brother
As for your question it all depends on diet but its not like d bol that blows you up making you look watery i saw nice lean gains from yk and the mk may make you hold a bit of extra water from the elevated gh levels but it resides after a week or 2 thats . I think you will like this stake mate keep us posted on how you go with it all