Saully looks for 220


New member
Forum members,

I have been lurking around here quite a while trying to learn as much as possible. I have been active on some other forums that have recently gone to crap. I just wanted to introduce myself, list some stats, goals, cycle history, and start a training journal. I am very open to advice from vets and will gladly take any constructive criticism.

Stats: I am a powerlifter that competes in the 198 weight class

Height: 6'0"

Walking weight: 210

Comp weight class: 198

BF%: Varies, I try to stay below 12% most of the time

Best gym lifts:

-Squat: 425X1

-Bench: 315 pausedX2

-Deadlift: 475X2


-Compete in the 220 weight class at around the same body composition

-Total over 1400 by next June

-Become more knowledgeable about performance enhancement drugs, before I run a second cycle

Cycle History:

- Basic Test E at 600Mg/week for 8 weeks with anastrozole .25mg EOD

- Basic PCT Nolva/Clomid 40/40/20/20 100/100/50/50

- Last shot was beginning of June 2012

Training history:

- Started with intentions of bodybuilding 3 years ago and just realized that I really enjoy max effort lifting

- Trained using a WSBB template while I was on cycle, then had to move due to a new occupation and lost my training partners and am currently training with a very modified Sheiko program

I will keep a training log here and will be hoping to get some good advice from the fellas on here.

Cheers and thanks for reading
September 3rd 2012: Bench/Squat/Bench

Bench: The weight was feeling pretty easy today so I paused all my reps for a count at the bottom and tried to make the weight pop on the way up. I really feel like my technique has gotten a lot better from all the volume on Sheiko.





Squat: I had to drop my training max down to 335, I pulled my hammy two weeks ago and every time I get near 3 plates I can start to feel myself leaning to the right taking the tension out of my left hamstring. The top sets on the lower training max still feel a little uncomfortable but I have been able to get through them the last couple weeks.

175X5 no lean very easy

210X4 no lean very easy

245X3X3 starting to shift a little bit to the right out of the bottom, tried to consciously correct this on the second set.

275X3X3X3X3X3 Still shifting out of the hole, definitely was tucking my tail as well, once I start hitting this weight and try to get my hips back the hammy has been getting a little uncomfortable.

Bench: These all felt crazy easy I decided to widen my grip a couple inches and add a pause.

165X4 Neutral grip no pause

195X4X4 widened grip and added pause

225X4X4X4X4 Kept wide grip and pause for all these sets.

Assistance work: The program just called for some light fly's and core work but I added some light sumo squats instead for the purpose of adding missed volume due to the lower training max and to improve my hip mobility

Super set:

Sumo Squat: All sets were paused for a 2 count at the bottom, I really feel my hips mobility benefits from this

HS Incline press: Did these very slow and controlled just to get blood flowing in the worked muscles


The most exciting part of the day is that I pushed my bodyweight up a couple pounds from last week. Sitting at 212 now, where I was peaking on cycle.
9/05/2012: Dead/Bench/Dead

Deficit Deads: This was the first time I used my real training max for 2 weeks due to my hamstring injury feeling pretty good. I hit all the weights and sets. The last couple sets got a little ugly with a bit of a lean the deficit was about 4 inches.

235X3 Easy

285X3X3 Easy

315X5X5X5X5 the the first one I felt like my grip was going so I switched to an under over grip. The last two felt funny and the hammy started to act up a little bit.

Bench: On the lighter sets I would bring the weight down slow on the 1st rep and then smash the rest for some speed really trying to crack the bar.



210X3X3 All paused

235X2X2X2 All paused

205X4 speed

175X6 speed

150X8 speed

Deadlift with no deficit: These I held back a bit then let loose at the end. Honestly, I was kinda scared going into this set my injury was starting to feel a bit raw. I could definitely tell that my upper body was doing the majority of the work.

235X4 easy

285X4X4 Started to feel my weight shifting on the second set, also could feel my hips coming up to soon.

315X5X6 I planned on stopping at the second set but was given confidence when the weight started to fly up and my hips were staying down.

365X3 These felt a little awkward but I decided I have already come this far, might as well add some more.

380X1 Felt terrible hips were way off and my upper body did almost everything.

Light fly's 5 sets of 10: Just getting that blood moving around.

The program also called for good mornings but I just felt like I had already pushed my injury enough.

On another note I have put in an order for some Test plan on running a gram a week for 10 weeks. Love how test made me feel last time so I am gonnna just run it again by itself just quite a bit more.
Squat bench squat: 9/7/2012

Was able to get this done pretty fast which is not typical of a sheiko session and indicates it might be time to up the training max. Hamstring was really a non issue today on the squats, to compensate for the low training max every other set had a 2 count pause at the bottom.

Squat: No belt used at this training max, really cant wait to start putting more weight on my back these all felt incredibly easy and shot up.





Bench: Did mostly paused work and a couple speed sets in the middle.


195X4 Paused

225X3X3X3X3X3 first three for speed fourth with all reps paused at the bottom and the fifth all reps paused at the bottom and middle.


185X5 paused the shit out of these

205X5 paused

240X4X4X4X4 just shot all these up smoked every rep

Pec flies

5 sets of 10

Ab roll outs

5 sets of 10

My gear is getting brewed tonight, I am not gonna start the cycle till I get the word from the doc that I can jump into training 100%.
9/10/2012 Squat/bench/squat

Hammy update: entertained a lady friend on Saturday and felt a tiny pop during the entertaining portion of the night. Went and saw doc again this afternoon and he told me I may have set myself back another week. :doggy: was worth it!

This means I am gonna have to wait another week to start the test.

Here is the workout

squat: Going against my docs advice I bumped my training max up 5 lbs it all feels to light on my back and used a lot of dynamic effort on all the sets kinda like if westside and sheiko had a lovechild.

175X5 Felt like nothing even with long pauses

210X4 Still felt nothing hammy was feeling good

245X2X2X2 Could do anything I wanted with this weight today

280X3X3X3X3X3 The volume looked daunting but after the first set I got really confident. Got a little sloppy on set 3 and had a shit set up and still managed to squeak out all 3 pretty easily.

Bench: It's Monday AKA international chest day so I had to weight in line for a bench and got some good stretching and rotator cuff work in before I hit it.

150X5 paused

175X4 paused

205X3X3 I think I was rushing the sets cause these felt heavier than usual.

235X3X3X3X3X3X3 Again I looked at the volume and went got a little wide eyed. Made through all the sets with relative ease however.

Squat: Really felt good squatting today and glad I upped the training max I really felt like I could do anything I wanted with the weights today and kept these really dynamic as well alternating sets from paused to speed.

175X5 speed

210X5 paused

245X5X5X5X5X5 paused/paused/speed/speed/long ass pause.


Flies 5 sets of 10 super setted with roll outs 5 sets of 10

Notes: One thing I dislike about Sheiko is the lack of assistance work, I really miss doing floor presses and conjugating max effort lifts.

My plan is to run Westside on cycle and place an emphasis on the max effort method and while off cycle run Sheiko and really work on refining my technique with heavier weights.

Picking up my goods this Sunday gonna be tempting not to start having them stare me down every day.