This right here, is a HUUUUUUGGEEEE Issue in America right now. The fact people look at a divorce and go "Eh to be expected" is a sign of how screwed up and how far gone our priorities as a society really are
Sucks. I wish Arnold the best! Still one of my favorite peeps. Him, Stallone, Bruce Willis, Statham(sp?). I just wish Jim Carry would come round again. He made some awesome movies in the day.
I agree divorce is a big issue in America, I say it was to be expected because that's just the reality of what's happening..
I think it's people's values that are causing this to happen. Not to put aside the strain of money and communication... I was lucky to find the perfect mate......
Now days guys are considered "players" if they can get with a bunch of girls, and they take that into their marriages thinking that it's alright...
Some women are no better, with strip clubs and prostitution some women are also constantly putting themselves out there for every guy, then once they find someone to marry they don't know how to be married and act the same.
Couples now days are going into marriage with unrealistic expectations. Couples find themselves in shock after the initial glow wears off at how much work it really takes to be happy.
We have become whiners, people who give up when the going gets tough instead of people who buckle down and drive on. If we can find it in ourselves to fix things on the home front, we can certainly find ways to deal with the issues outside our front door too.
I'm sure there are other factors for different circumstances but I honestly believe this is the biggest reason people get divorced.
I think Believing in marriage, in commitment has much more to do with who we are as people than about the actual institution of marriage.
Marriage is no longer taken seriously.