Sdrol and puffy nips, anyone experience this


New member
Just wondering if anyone knows why sdrol is causing my nipples to get puffy ? And if anyone's ever found a way to fix it ... I was taking Adex, but dropped my estro too low.. Still puffy nipples tho ?
You don't have Sdrol. Sdrol does not aromatize. Maybe Anadrol because even though its a DHT derivitive it can still cause cases of gyno.

What else are you taking? What is/was your AI dose.

Get blood work to check E2 and Prolactin for shits and giggles.
You don't have Sdrol. Sdrol does not aromatize. Maybe Anadrol because even though its a DHT derivitive it can still cause cases of gyno.

What else are you taking? What is/was your AI dose.

Get blood work to check E2 and Prolactin for shits and giggles.

taking 600mg test e pw, 20mg dbol pd, 20 mg sdrol and 140mcg clen... was taking 0.5 adex ed but skipping a few days as ive dropped my est too low

getting bloods tomorrow with prolactin too haha was curious myself... might be the dbol but its never happened this bad and not holding much water

dont think its anadrol or id be packing it all on ... it was looking to be a really good recomp until these puff daddies shown up

btw nice avatar phils a legend
Without bloodwork to know where your E2 is and taking .5mg of adex a day will crash your E2. 20mg a day is not alot of dbol either. Listen to SJC and get blood work taken care of
Superdrol can definitely cause gyno there are many cases of it happening to people. It also can cause a delayed gyno effect to where after you are done using it the gyno appears a little later. The superdrol gyno mystery is something I don't know much about but it sounds like it has something to do with progestin. I haven't been able to find any real answers on why superdrol causes gyno it seems to just be all speculation. I have taken superdrol before and got really puffy nipples and a very small amount of gyno from it. I would just research the hell out of the subject there seems to be a lot of conflicting information about it nobody is agreeing on anything in most the different threads I have found about it.

On a different note no one is arguing about how liver toxic it is so make sure you are drinking a shit load of water and start taking about 1200mg's of NAC a day until you are done with the cycle and the PCT. After the PCT I would lower the NAC dose to 600mg's a day and take it for at least a month. Superdrol is some hardcore stuff and can cause a lot of different problems. I personally would try to stay away from superdrol because of it's toxicity. I'm sure it can be used correctly and the dangers can be minimized I personally have just had bad experiences with it more than once.
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^ Interesting..I guess its no different than Anadrol. Being that they both don't aromatize but still can cause gyno. I havent heard about Sdrol causing it though.

And yes "The Kid" is a legend
Superdrol can definitely cause gyno there are many cases of it happening to people. It also can cause a delayed gyno effect to where after you are done using it the gyno appears a little later. The superdrol gyno mystery is something I don't know much about but it sounds like it has something to do with progestin. I haven't been able to find any real answers on why superdrol causes gyno it seems to just be all speculation. I have taken superdrol before and got really puffy nipples and a very small amount of gyno from it. I would just research the hell out of the subject there seems to be a lot of conflicting information about it nobody is agreeing on anything in most the different threads I have found about it.

On a different note no one is arguing about how liver toxic it is so make sure you are drinking a shit load of water and start taking about 1200mg's of NAC a day until you are done with the cycle and the PCT. After the PCT I would lower the NAC dose to 600mg's a day and take it for at least a month. Superdrol is some hardcore stuff and can cause a lot of different problems. I personally would try to stay away from superdrol because of it's toxicity. I'm sure it can be used correctly and the dangers can be minimized I personally have just had bad experiences with it more than once.

yes i have also read this, i have researched a hell of a lot but theres so many conflicting facts you dont know what to believe... im on trt so i 'blast and cruise' im just paranoid on this gyno rebound now, i might just take 10mg for the next week and end it at did you combat the rebound and the puffy nipples?

im taking milk thistle and drinking bucket loads of water, but id say this is the last time i run was more to see what the hype was about
is there only 1 way to get rebound gyno? est getting put down or held down, and then once compound has left the body the est shoots strait back up? because i have read somewhere the sdrol can be used as an ai, and people will take an ai while on; dropping their est and thinking the lethargy feeling is just the sdrol when it could just be low est? just a thought ?
^ Interesting..I guess its no different than Anadrol. Being that they both don't aromatize but still can cause gyno. I havent heard about Sdrol causing it though.

And yes "The Kid" is a legend

It's VERY rare, and due to the DHT properties freeing up estradiol from SHBG in gyno-prone folks. My money however is on the testosterone and dbol without an AI.

Adrol is totally different, and is still kind of a mystery. I've read some really good theories, but nothing concrete. Solid advice though SJC. :)

Edit: No. SD/masteron/proviron are NOT aromatase inhibitors, nor do they reduce estradiol in any way, shape, or form. They just have binding affinity at the AR, which reduces SYMPTOMS like subq water retention.
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just an update, got my bloods back and estrogen was bottomed out, prolactin 4.5 (<20) ,,, progesterone 2.4 (<4.1)

so wtf caused the gyno ??????????? sdrol is way to mysterious
on trt mate, got rid of the gyno before it got out of control, all is good... just wondering where the gyno came from if everything was within normal ranges ? ( except estro which was too low)
on trt mate, got rid of the gyno before it got out of control, all is good... just wondering where the gyno came from if everything was within normal ranges ? ( except estro which was too low)

Good looking out, where did it come from then?