Second Cycle 12 weeks of test Before and after


A.K.A. DJ Beast
So I just finished my second cycle. MY first cycle I ran 18 weeks of EQ only. This time around I ran 12 weeks of test at 500mg per week (250mg twice a week). I also ran D-bol at 25 mg per day for the first 6 weeks. The pic with where I'm holdidng the cam is from my first EQ cycle.
you look alot more jacked in the new picture, nice mass and traps. I would hit the decline some more and do some pull overs to get the bottom of your chest filled out.
Hey man - nice progress - esp delts, traps & arms. IMO you need to do more pullups to work on your width. BTW really nice tat on your bicep!!! way cool! (keep the goat)
Man this cycle was great! I gained 10lbs in the first 4 weeks. By the time I was done I had gained a total of 20 lbs. I guess following a good diet and workout does work... I'm now 5'8" 180 lbs...dont know body fat but i feel like I have way morre than i did before. This cycle was strictly to gain mass though so I am satidfied. The first 2 weeks I looked really puffy do to that Dbol. Other than that. It was cool. Except when my right nipple started to get REALLY f***ing itchy. It didn't last long because I had plenty of Nolva to take care of that. I am now into week 2 of PCT, and all of a sudden my chest and back are breaking out bad ,do to Fluctuating blood hormone levels. I will be hitting
Decline dumbell presses
Isometric Chest Squeezes
Push-Ups With Feet Elevated
Decline Barbell Bench Press
To get the bottom of my chest more defined. Oh and yeas, I'm keeping the goat. lol
I think you looked better before, perhaps a little bigger in the after pics but more defined and better shape before.
You know, I thought that too for about 5 seconds. Than I remebered that the purpose of this cycle was to gain some mass. This is still awork in progress. I got exactly what I was shooting for when I started, so I'm satisfied.
Great job on acheiving your goal!! ..and good point w/stating that following a good diet and workout, really does work! :) Thanks for sharing. Now you can cut up for summer!
Off the subject. I'm surprised no one has mentioned the 32oz Corona bottle on the sink, HA...
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