Second Cycle, 1st was test only, just need an informed beast for advice

There's strong scientific backing for clomid w/ nolva as PCT; they're synergistic in that one affects frequency and one amplitude of SHBG (or something to that effect)

I'm far from qualified to get into the exact reasons why but on any cycle with more than just test for twelve weeks I wouldn't even consider leaving clomid out. But on the same note I wouldn't run it at the 100 ED some people do, that shit makes me emotional - 50 is plenty IMO.
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I would run Nolva w/ Clomid from weeks 17-20. Fifteen days should be long enough for test-C to clear your system, and you want to run it for four weeks not three.

I wouldn't start the arimidex until week 2 at the earliest, likewise with the HCG. Also, HCG is normally 2x 250iu /wk.

Bloodwork @ wk 6 or 7 would confirm your estrogen is in range but my guestimate is something between 0.33-0.5mg EOD would be approximately right for that cycle.

Make sure you have something like NAC for liver support during dbol wks 1-5 at least; five weeks isn't insane but it's fairly long.

Good luck bro.

Snowpatrol summed it up well, but would go for Toremifene over Nolva/Clomid. I have experience with Clomid, horrible shit gives me floaties (some people get this+visual tracers) and worse depression/anxiety/mood swings than low T gave me (having primary hypogonadism didn't help + Clomid sides so) but a lot of people report this effect from Clomid anyway. Is it effective, hell yeah and it has been proven. But I would go for Toremifene at 120/90/60/60 based on all the reports (admittedly no experience), toremifene appears to have 0 sides and restores the HPTA quite well. PCT should be minimum 4 weeks like mentioned.

Definitely do not run Nolva alone, Clomid alone would be better than Nolva alone in terms of HPTA restoration.

I would also run the AI from the get go, test levels start going up within hours and so will your e2 (why people put on weight in the first week due to water from e2 rising).

IMO, you should be happy with the Test+Deca without the Dbol, I'm more of a less is better sort of guy and believe you should stick to the least amount of stuff you get results and you will also get a chance to see how the deca goes with just the test, Test+Deca+Dbol is a good mass builder however. I would probably up the Test to 600mg and leave the Deca at 400mg though without Dbol.

You should be pleased with Test+Deca at those doses and you can always do the exact same cycle (and expect to still grow with proper diet and training) and throw the dbol in for a kickstart next time.

Also, use PCT Calculator to work out when you should start PCT... The 14 day after your last Test E/C shot is bullshit and by 14 days you should still have enough exogenous test to keep you shutdown still.

BTW, what did you do to get banned lol?
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[/QUOTE]IMO, you should be happy with the Test+Deca without the Dbol, I'm more of a less is better sort of guy and believe you should stick to the least amount of stuff you get results and you will also get a chance

You should be pleased with Test+Deca at those doses and you can always do the exact same cycle (and expect to still grow with proper diet and training) and throw the dbol in for a kickstart next time.

Also, use PCT Calculator to work out when you should start PCT... The 14 day after your last Test E/C shot is bullshit and by 14 days you should still have enough exogenous test to keep you shutdown still.

BTW, what did you do to get banned lol?[/QUOTE]

Thanks brother. I have heard for test c I should wait until 3 weeks to start clomid/nolva. I had planned on starting the AI with 2nd pin. And as for banned it was my big mouth lol, I was tired and grouchy from pct and I may have overly criticized a member's mother lol, childish I know, just was not my day brother.
Test E/C are interchangeable and the same thing (if you want to get technical the cypionate ester is a little longer and heavier than enanthate meaning you do get for hormone mg for mg with enanthate but it is a very small amount not even worth mentioning really), but yeah anyway the whole 2 weeks after last pin for Test E/C is most often too short when in actually fact it is really around the 21 day mark until exogenous test levels drop to the point of no-longer suppressing you,give or take a bit depending on length and dose used... You can work it out with the PCT calculator though.

Starting the AI on the second pin, no biggie really, just a minuscule thing to worry about.

Haha yeah we all have those days bro
Test E/C are interchangeable and the same thing (if you want to get technical the cypionate ester is a little longer and heavier than enanthate meaning you do get for hormone mg for mg with enanthate but it is a very small amount not even worth mentioning really), but yeah anyway the whole 2 weeks after last pin for Test E/C is most often too short when in actually fact it is really around the 21 day mark until exogenous test levels drop to the point of no-longer suppressing you,give or take a bit depending on length and dose used... You can work it out with the PCT calculator though.

Starting the AI on the second pin, no biggie really, just a minuscule thing to worry about.

Haha yeah we all have those days bro

Thanks brother. I knew all about E vs C....not enough to matter, I ester longer lol. so I had planned on starting pct 3 weeks after my last pin but everyone is telling me two but my research say give it 3 with test cyp. Any word bro?
Thanks brother. I knew all about E vs C....not enough to matter, I ester longer lol. so I had planned on starting pct 3 weeks after my last pin but everyone is telling me two but my research say give it 3 with test cyp. Any word bro?

Weapon X, take a look at this link, I've found it to be very helpful in terms of proper wait time to PCT: PCT Calculator | Post Cycle Therapy Calculator.

I posted this a while back. I'm hoping it becomes a sticky so everyone can easily find it and dispel the popular recommendation of a two week waiting period on enanthate/cyp
Yep like I mentioned in previous post, PCT calculator is your friend

Mybad brother you should've been the 1st to get a thank u for the PCT calculate! Guess I just forgot somehow lol. But thank you BigGains too, i've read a lot on waiting 3 not 2 for cyp/deca. Most members here disagree but I trust my reading based on studies
Weapon have replied to your Inbox.

Most of my info on torem is from forum reports, I know one guy who has used Torem for PCT with success and said he will Never go back to Clomid... I know a few people who plan on using Torem in the future based on they like what they have seen people reporting about it so will be able to share once I know their experiences.
Weapon have replied to your Inbox.

Most of my info on torem is from forum reports, I know one guy who has used Torem for PCT with success and said he will Never go back to Clomid... I know a few people who plan on using Torem in the future based on they like what they have seen people reporting about it so will be able to share once I know their experiences.

Sounds great brother, keep me posted.