Second Cycle, 1st was test only, just need an informed beast for advice

I have never used tren or nandrolone as of yet, however will be using NPP for my blast in no earlier than a few months time and I will most likely be using/have on hand prami as it seems to be the best one in my research so far.

In terms of an AI, adex is fine but I prefer aromasin as it doesn't effect lipids or IGF-1 output like adex and letro do. Adex is rather weak for me as well as 1mg day doesn't control my e2 on 250mg test week, I have very low SHBG so 250mg test a week gives me 2200ng/dl at the 7 day trough which some guys it will take 4-500mg to reach. Everyone is different, what works for you may not work for everyone else. Although I am considering using extremely low dose letro along with my TRT once I have it properly dialed in (almost there) due to the longer half life meaning I don't have to dose stane everyday and at such a low dose lipids/IGF shouldn't be affected. You might say why don't people use stane over adex? Well the cost of it and the shorter half life are the real cons IMO.
Not trying to brag but this will make my amino acid blood levels high at work which is hard sometimes. My brother works at a Coremark shipping company and he managed to buy 36 Met-Rx colossal protein meal bars for $6 total just because they go out of date in a month. Definitely gonna try to use him as much as I can.
I'm 19 on TRT due to primary hypogonadism, pituitary is fine (LH/FSH high-normal) and MRI scan done on pituitary. My levels were high 300s which for 19 is quite low, I could have prolonged it but my symptoms had been continuing for over a year and at this age it had put a stop to my life, I don't have time to wait around any more so jumping on TRT was my best and most favoured option. I'm currently still dialling in my TRT with doctor although looking at changing current doctor, my goal is to be at 1200ng/dl, with top of the range being 1000ng/dl which will vary lab to lab but widely considered the ideal levels. My reasoning for the extra 200 is just to amplify the positive effects of TRT within reason because if I'm going to modulate my testosterone levels for life, I sure as fuck will not settle for mediocre levels, I want the best optimum levels I can safely use long term, however in saying that I will certainly drop it to somewhere more suitable say 800-1000ng/dl in my 30s/40s onwards as the body was just never meant to have such high levels as we age IMO. At 19 I have no problem nor does my doc having my levels a little bit over physiological range provided everything is kept in check. It's a big thing TRT for life, 2x a week injections, having to take an AI, bloodwork E3M (every 3 months), having to donate blood due to increased RBC count although mine doesn't seem to be affected all too much never the less, donating blood is easy and I look at it as a good thing putting nice, solid RBC to someone who depends on it.

You could say I cycled, I ran 250mg for 12 weeks when first going on TRT which proved to get me a solid TT number of 2200ng/dl at the trough which I can put down to very low SHBG (bottom of range) however decided to come off it as estrogen dominance (was still learning at the time of first TRT attempt) and injection frequency being too far apart put me on a bit of a rollercoaster, I was much better off but in some ways it was worse, so I did a clomid restart and felt back to sqaure one. Restarted TRT at 250mg a week and we kept that for 10 weeks then tapered it down to 125mg E5D and then decided I'd come off completely again and try see if I can attempt a once and final restore before making a dedicated commitment. Come the end of that restart my levels were back to square one and I decided I will stay on TRT for life (it is a life long commitment you don't cycle it).

Currently I am at 125mg 2x a week (Sun/Wed) with 12.5mg stane ED and will test levels in a few weeks, I do know however that my levels will be around that 1800+ mark on the trough with this current protocol which is fine as I would like to put back on what I have lost after this restart and the drop off in diet and training the came with it and will lower it to at this stage 100mg from 125mg, retest and lower again which I would assume 100mg twice a week will have me at 1500ng/dl at the trough, still to high as I want it no higher than 1200ng/dl at the trough.

Whilst going on TRT means my dreams of competing and my hobby of body building can be pursued, that is not my main reason for going on TRT. It is the quality of life that is has given me, I can truly say yeah I do feel like a 19 year old should after so long of feeling shitty, depressed, anxious, and just numb to everything, progress stalled, sex drive was pretty shit. I'm not on TRT for the looks, it just so happens that I can atleast blast/cruise and not have PCT to worry about... I look at that as a positive to having to go through everything involved in being on TRT.

Having to go on TRT at 19 is pretty rare, the usual earliest you will come accross is 21 onwards and most cases it was due to impropper cycling namely no PCT when in the teens, however I did not cycle.

Also, being on TRT whilst giving me the advantage of not having to do PCT and means I can add compounds in whenever I want, doesn't mean I will willy-nilly throw this and that in there. I consider that abuse and I like living, especially now! With that in saying I can with piece of mind, train and diet knowing where my levels are at, feel great how I should at this age, and not worry about hard work going to nothing.

I do plan to compete as well. I am looking at doing a blast in no earlier than a few months time, provided I have got my TRT dialed in properly by then which I hope to have done so within 3 months from now. I'm in no rush to blast, dialing in my TRT is priority as no doubt the high levels I have been on and the fluctuations of coming off twice, getting estrogen under control, dosing frequencys etc can't be all that good so once my TRT dose is dialed in a plan to stay at that for a bit and make sure it's definitely dialed in my with doses etc then I will look at a blast - my blast will be 600mg test with 400mg NPP which is quite a solid amount. I do plan to compete however and taking into consideration of my age it is the only justification I make for it otherwise I would never recommend someone my age to cycle unless they were fully aware of the risks invovled, planned on competiting and understood proper diet, training and correct use of AAS.

I don't claim to be a know it all, but I do feel I am pretty well geared knowledge wise in regards to this, however in saying that I am no professional and have a lot to learn still.
Hello Guys,
I am 25 and past my first cycle of Test Cyp only,500mg weekly, and I am currently wrapping up my PCT. For my 2nd cycle I am going for mass not cut. Below is my layout for the next go. Any advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated, you men are the pros, I'm just a rookie looking for a respectable beast with legit info. Thanks

Week 1 to 16: .5mg of arimidex EOD
Week 1 to 12: 300-500ius of HCG every 4th or 5th day
Week 1 to 6: 30mg of D-bol ED
Week 1 to 12: 300mg of Deca
Week 1 to 12: 500mg of Test
Week 15 to 17: Nolvadex Therapy

From my experience, bulk/cut is primarily subjective to how you train and diet. I find the most bang for my buck when I train to put on lean mass on cycle. The best of both. Heavy bulk like lifting with the intense cardio of cutting and diet heavy in protein but clean of fats and carbs. Lots of lean chicken and steak with salads. Veggies are more important for general health than anything, like protein is for muscle growth. If your diet and training is right for what you wish to achieve, just about any test stack will super charge the gains phenomenally and you will be satisfied.
I'm 19 on TRT due to primary hypogonadism, pituitary is fine (LH/FSH high-normal) and MRI scan done on pituitary. My levels were high 300s which for 19 is quite low, I could have prolonged it but my symptoms had been continuing for over a year and at this age it had put a stop to my life, I don't have time to wait around any more so jumping on TRT was my best and most favoured option. I'm currently still dialling in my TRT with doctor although looking at changing current doctor, my goal is to be at 1200ng/dl, with top of the range being 1000ng/dl which will vary lab to lab but widely considered the ideal levels. My reasoning for the extra 200 is just to amplify the positive effects of TRT within reason because if I'm going to modulate my testosterone levels for life, I sure as fuck will not settle for mediocre levels, I want the best optimum levels I can safely use long term, however in saying that I will certainly drop it to somewhere more suitable say 800-1000ng/dl in my 30s/40s onwards as the body was just never meant to have such high levels as we age IMO. At 19 I have no problem nor does my doc having my levels a little bit over physiological range provided everything is kept in check. It's a big thing TRT for life, 2x a week injections, having to take an AI, bloodwork E3M (every 3 months), having to donate blood due to increased RBC count although mine doesn't seem to be affected all too much never the less, donating blood is easy and I look at it as a good thing putting nice, solid RBC to someone who depends on it.

You could say I cycled, I ran 250mg for 12 weeks when first going on TRT which proved to get me a solid TT number of 2200ng/dl at the trough which I can put down to very low SHBG (bottom of range) however decided to come off it as estrogen dominance (was still learning at the time of first TRT attempt) and injection frequency being too far apart put me on a bit of a rollercoaster, I was much better off but in some ways it was worse, so I did a clomid restart and felt back to sqaure one. Restarted TRT at 250mg a week and we kept that for 10 weeks then tapered it down to 125mg E5D and then decided I'd come off completely again and try see if I can attempt a once and final restore before making a dedicated commitment. Come the end of that restart my levels were back to square one and I decided I will stay on TRT for life (it is a life long commitment you don't cycle it).

Currently I am at 125mg 2x a week (Sun/Wed) with 12.5mg stane ED and will test levels in a few weeks, I do know however that my levels will be around that 1800+ mark on the trough with this current protocol which is fine as I would like to put back on what I have lost after this restart and the drop off in diet and training the came with it and will lower it to at this stage 100mg from 125mg, retest and lower again which I would assume 100mg twice a week will have me at 1500ng/dl at the trough, still to high as I want it no higher than 1200ng/dl at the trough.

Whilst going on TRT means my dreams of competing and my hobby of body building can be pursued, that is not my main reason for going on TRT. It is the quality of life that is has given me, I can truly say yeah I do feel like a 19 year old should after so long of feeling shitty, depressed, anxious, and just numb to everything, progress stalled, sex drive was pretty shit. I'm not on TRT for the looks, it just so happens that I can atleast blast/cruise and not have PCT to worry about... I look at that as a positive to having to go through everything involved in being on TRT.

Having to go on TRT at 19 is pretty rare, the usual earliest you will come accross is 21 onwards and most cases it was due to impropper cycling namely no PCT when in the teens, however I did not cycle.

Also, being on TRT whilst giving me the advantage of not having to do PCT and means I can add compounds in whenever I want, doesn't mean I will willy-nilly throw this and that in there. I consider that abuse and I like living, especially now! With that in saying I can with piece of mind, train and diet knowing where my levels are at, feel great how I should at this age, and not worry about hard work going to nothing.

I do plan to compete as well. I am looking at doing a blast in no earlier than a few months time, provided I have got my TRT dialed in properly by then which I hope to have done so within 3 months from now. I'm in no rush to blast, dialing in my TRT is priority as no doubt the high levels I have been on and the fluctuations of coming off twice, getting estrogen under control, dosing frequencys etc can't be all that good so once my TRT dose is dialed in a plan to stay at that for a bit and make sure it's definitely dialed in my with doses etc then I will look at a blast - my blast will be 600mg test with 400mg NPP which is quite a solid amount. I do plan to compete however and taking into consideration of my age it is the only justification I make for it otherwise I would never recommend someone my age to cycle unless they were fully aware of the risks invovled, planned on competiting and understood proper diet, training and correct use of AAS.

I don't claim to be a know it all, but I do feel I am pretty well geared knowledge wise in regards to this, however in saying that I am no professional and have a lot to learn still.

Sounds good bro, if it helps you live a better, healthier life then I say always go for it. Good to know you are being this responsible at 19, keep it up bro.
From my experience, bulk/cut is primarily subjective to how you train and diet. I find the most bang for my buck when I train to put on lean mass on cycle. The best of both. Heavy bulk like lifting with the intense cardio of cutting and diet heavy in protein but clean of fats and carbs. Lots of lean chicken and steak with salads. Veggies are more important for general health than anything, like protein is for muscle growth. If your diet and training is right for what you wish to achieve, just about any test stack will super charge the gains phenomenally and you will be satisfied.

Hey thanks bro. I am pretty knowledgeable on bodybuilding and diet. I am very new to aas and I've gained quite a bit of weight mostly muscle but with the cold weather I always gain some fat and I HATE dieting and I've heard the test would make it smoother if I keep my diet. I measure everything I eat, again thanks for the help bro. Most people don't realize that diet is almost ALL of your results. Good advice
Sounds good bro, if it helps you live a better, healthier life then I say always go for it. Good to know you are being this responsible at 19, keep it up bro.

What good is life without quality? I have nothing to complain about really, the price to pay for feeling good is pretty small. It could be worse...diabetic for example.
What good is life without quality? I have nothing to complain about really, the price to pay for feeling good is pretty small. It could be worse...diabetic for example.

Definitely bro, and I hope it all goes great for ya dude, just stay smart about then enjoy life's ride the way you were meant to with your new gear. Good luck bro
Hey bro.
Cycle looks good. Ive done this one before.
Leave deca at 12 weeks to avoid health risks ie. Deca dick. 12 is enough for good gains, your ai will keep them nice. Nolva for pct is great. As far as low energy or labido, thats actually a sympton from the tamoxifen citrate (nolva). I get it myself (also due to levels normalising) ..

Run the test 2 weeks after deca, can be tapered if you only have aaset amount
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Hey bro.
Cycle looks good. Ive done this one before.
Leave deca at 12 weeks to avoid health risks ie. Deca dick. 12 is enough for good gains, your ai will keep them nice. Nolva for pct is great. As far as low energy or labido, thats actually a sympton from the tamoxifen citrate (nolva). I get it myself (also due to levels normalising) ..

Run the test 2 weeks after deca, can be tapered if you only have aaset amount

Hey thanks brother. I've changed my cycle amounts after I did more reading. Here is the new:
1-14/ 500mg Test C
1-12/ 400mg Deca
1-5/ Dbol 50mg ED
1-17/ 400iu HCG 2x weekly
1-17/ Arimidex

Look good?
I'm especially wondering about my PCT. I've heard that I should wait 3 weeks after my last test c injection to start nolva?
Also I've read that the AI and HCG should not be used once I start Nolva because the extra AI will lower estrogen too much hurting my lipid profile and that the HCG will prevent recovery if I keep taking it once I start nolva? Thanks
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Weapon X got banned ^^^ wondering why I'm a curious person

I want your opinion on the updated cycle too Staunched even though I would doubt you have a whole lot of experience with PCT. Not because you aren't informed, I know you are, but since you have TRT you really don't have to worry about PCT like I do.
1-14/ 500mg Test C
1-12/ 400mg Deca
1-5/ Dbol 50mg ED
1-17/ 400iu HCG 2x weekly
1-17/ Arimidex

I would run Nolva w/ Clomid from weeks 17-20. Fifteen days should be long enough for test-C to clear your system, and you want to run it for four weeks not three.

I wouldn't start the arimidex until week 2 at the earliest, likewise with the HCG. Also, HCG is normally 2x 250iu /wk.

Bloodwork @ wk 6 or 7 would confirm your estrogen is in range but my guestimate is something between 0.33-0.5mg EOD would be approximately right for that cycle.

Make sure you have something like NAC for liver support during dbol wks 1-5 at least; five weeks isn't insane but it's fairly long.

Good luck bro.
You really think I should add clomid snowpatrol? And take em for 4 weeks instead of 3? Does this bring u better recovery? Do u have experience with nolva alone? Thanks brother