Second cycle beginning shortly


New member
Hi all,

This will be my first long cycle. but second course.
The first was some Test e + deca. which my friend had left over - just to see how it would go :)

This time around, i have the following.
Test E - 3x 10ml vials - 250mg/ml
Deca durabolin - 1x 10ml vial - 250mg/ml
Dbol tabs - as many as i will need.
Nolvadex (tamox) - 50ml bottle 20mg/ml
Clomid - 70ml bottle 35mg/ml

Currently waiting for my clomid/nolva to arrive before starting. So i have time to get everything sorted and better planned out.

So far my plan is to take
Test e, 250mg twice weekly - week 1 -10
dbol, 3 tabs per day - week 1-4

Not 100% sure on taking the deca at week 6-10 to use the whole vial. Or if i should wait for another time or what yet.

Any thoughts from you guys would be greatly appreciated.
Hey bud,

Cycle looks good, not sure what strength your dbol tabs are, but I would up the dosage to 50mgs per day first 4 weeks and just make sure you have some good liver support...

IMO running deca for 4 weeks ios going to be a waste, Deca has a really long ester attached to it, and takes forever to kick in and leave the system..

If you are wanting to use test and deca then do something like this:

Weeks 1 to 14: Test E @ 500mgs per week
Weeks 1 to 12: Deca (I run mine at 525mgs with 600mgs test)
Weeks 1 to 4: Dbol @ 50mgs per day

Try get hold of some arimidex... it is better to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle, rather than a SERM, as AIs prevent the conversion to estrogen in the first place...

If you are wanting to use Deca for a shorter period, but still get the benefits, why not try NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) it is the shorter ester of deca and kicks in quicker...

Depending on your deca dosage, you may need some caber/bromo for prolactin sides (rather be safe than sorry)
The dbols are 20mg, sorry i shouldve mentioned.

And okay, i ordered the deca online as the people i know here charge an arm and a leg - i wanted to get more but didnt want to risk it if nothing got through. Maybe i will just wait for next time and get some extra deca + test then. Thankyou for the heads up.

Any advice on the nolva/clomid?


My stats are, almost 22 years old - young i know; i hit puberty alot sooner then most aswell.
6foot and 90kgs at about 12%bf. Lifting hard and dieting well the last 18 months, have been lifting for almost 5 years now.
All good, 60mgs should be fine... like I said, just get some good liver support, dbol is quite liver toxic...

I much prefer tablet form Nolva and Clomid to liquids, but seeing as though you ordered it, then stick with it...

Save Nolva and Clomid for PCT, get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for use on cycle... SERMs just compete for receptor sites like in your nipples etc and bind to them so that the estrogen can't... AIs actually prevent the conversion to estrogen in the first place..

Nolva and clomid use in PCT... standard PCT protocol with Nolva 40/40/20/20 (2ml/2ml/1ml/1ml)

Just be careful ordering online bud, plenty scammers out there hey...

Yeah you are still young, but as long as you are well-educated before you just push foreign substances into your body, and know what you are doing, then it will be fine... I don't normally advise AAS use before the age of 25 minimum... but seeing as though you have been lifting for 5 years then I assume you know what you are doing by now.

Good luck and all the best with your cycle, keep us posted and ask whenever you need advice