Second cycle bulk/cut dilemma


New member
So I was orginally planning to do the following bulking cycle:

Weeks 1-10 Deca 150mg twice per week
Weeks 2-11 Test E 250mg twice per week

It's getting close to summer so I am debating whether I want to do a full bulking cycle or maybe throw in some Tren, Test P and Anavar as well I could throw in on the back end and just do a long cycle.

Here's the alternative cycle:

Weeks 1-8 Deca 150mg twice per week
Weeks 1-8 Test E 250mg twice per week
Weeks 9-16 Test P 75mg EOD
Weeks 9-16 Tren A 75mg EOD
Weeks 12-16 Anavar 40mg per day
