Second Cycle Help (Finished a successful First, looking for a second)

Second cycle help!

Hi literally just joined this site!
Don't know much bar what research I've done in the past so would be cool for some knowledgable people to give me some advice and info.

I done a first time cycle of tren A-200mg a week and d-Bol-45mg each day. I put a lot of bulk on and gained a lot of strength but now 8 weeks after cycle I look undefined and podgy!

Any ideas on a next cycle to lose body fat, make gains and look pumped and shaped....?
Thanks, Deano.
I just repped you for the MATURE approach to the criticism and READING.

Nice to see instead of.....gimme gimme

I will help you personally if u do not EWAR ME OUT; provided u ask q s that show you been doing your homework.

You can give a man a fish or you can.....

The Bible /Koran---lot of good -hit in there too son.
( son is a term of endearment)

thanks brotha

Op - to your response do you have a link to the KISS principle?

Keep It Simple Stupid
K. I. S. S

No need to over complicate things. Also, I would dial in your diet to where you're gaining or losing without the use of drugs, and then start cycle a few weeks following that. If you can't get the ball rolling without them, what will you do when you come off? Your body will absolutely require more calories to feed your lean mass, if you couldn't eat to gain before, you surely won't be capable of it when you need more calories!

Glad to see you're a half decent listener. Teutonic will rip you a new ass if you get out of line. :D

gotcha :)