Second Cycle help (Half-Bulk/Cut Cycle)


New member
23 Years Old
20% BF
225 lbs
3 Years training

Just finished my first cycle of test e and saw amazing results. I'm currently looking to try out a new half bulk/cut cycle and have a few questions, the cycle will be as shown;

Test P Weeks 1 - 4 (75mg ED)
Test E Weeks 1 - 12 (500mg Mon/Thur)
Anavar Weeks 8-14 (80-100mg ED)
Armidex Weeks 1-14 (0.25mg ED)
Nolva Weeks 15-18 (40/40/20/20)

I'm looking to kick start the cycle with test p, and bulk hard until week 8 where I will start my Anavar and begin to cut using keito - I don't have much experience in cutting cycles, would it be more efficient to stick to purely cutting or purely bulking? I'm looking to gain some mass, strength and cut down for summer. Is there anything I could do to improve this cycle? and most importantly do I stop cutting hard once I start my PCT and just maintain what I have so I don't lose gains from my catabolic state - and say just cut in 12 weeks (after PCT)? Thanks alot
Just finished my first cycle of test e and saw amazing results. I'm currently looking to try out a new half bulk/cut cycle and have a few questions, the cycle will be as shown;

Test P Weeks 1 - 4 (75mg ED)
Test E Weeks 1 - 12 (500mg Mon/Thur)
Anavar Weeks 8-14 (80-100mg ED)
Armidex Weeks 1-14 (0.25mg ED)
Nolva Weeks 15-18 (40/40/20/20)

I'm looking to kick start the cycle with test p, and bulk hard until week 8 where I will start my Anavar and begin to cut using keito - I don't have much experience in cutting cycles, would it be more efficient to stick to purely cutting or purely bulking? I'm looking to gain some mass, strength and cut down for summer. Is there anything I could do to improve this cycle? and most importantly do I stop cutting hard once I start my post cycle therapy (pct) and just maintain what I have so I don't lose gains from my catabolic state - and say just cut in 12 weeks (after post cycle therapy (pct))? Thanks alot

You have only trained for 3 years, and this is already your second cycle?
Bulking or cutting come from dieting, it does not make sense for you to try and "bulk" for 8 weeks, and then immediately begin trying to cut. Both would come from changes in diet and one or the other would not be effective enough for you to notice a difference in that small time frame. Given your bodyfat, you should not run anavar. Anavar is only for someone who is going to be competing in a show, and is already in single digit bodyfat.
Are you saying you are running 500mg test E/week doing shots on Mon/Thur? Or you are doing 500mg Mon/Thur meaning you are on 1000mg test/week? A gram of test is rediculous for a second cycle, so I am hoping it is the former.
Are you talking about a KETOgenic diet? If so, No. Keto diets are garbage and only used for people competing in shows. You would lose a lot of muscle if you attempted to do a ketogenic diet for longer than a week or two. You should not run another cycle, and should simply learn how to diet without the help of AAS. You will learn a lot more about how your body reacts to different types of training, diets, different macros, etc.
Stop being in a rush to see results, instead put in the hard work and it will pay off 10fold.