second cycle help, test deca tbol


New member
As I said I am planning on taking a second cycle and need help. I just got off a test only cycle followed by pct. I have been off Pct now for 2 months and am having blood work done this week to check levels and make sure I am okay to start again. If not I will simply wait longer. Friend told me to take the following cycle.
Test phenylprop weeks 1-12
nandrolone phenylprop (deca) weeks 1-12
Tbol weeks 1-8
Superdrol weeks 8-12

liquid pramipexole


I was wondering a few things. First if the tbol into superdrol transition is dumb or should I just stick with the typical Dbol as most do. Also is the liquid pramipexole needed. Any reccomendations would be helpful since i am new to this stuff.


Keep in mind the Time On + PCT = Time Off. Sounds like you need to wait longer unless you ran a very short cycle last time.
I still have plenty of arimidex leftover from first cycle. My test only cycle was 12 weeks And yes I figure i am going to have to wait longer to start again but since it wasn't a big cycle i was hoping maybe a little less time is needed? Either way blood work will tell for sure. As for dosages :
test : 500mg
deca: 400mg
tbol: 50mg
Superdrol: 30 mg
Prami every 4-5 days.
You need to give yourself enough time off for your bod and HPTA to fully recover. You aren't special. Follow the time honored rules.
I agree and like i said i will end up waiting at least another month or so. But my question is about the cycle itself. Is the tbol superdrol thing a dumb idea or am i better off sticking with the typical dbol as most do. And do these dosages seem okay for a second cycle.
Yea they seem ok. That's a lot of pinning you got going on for a second cycle. Every day or atleast every other day pinning. Look up prami dosage. Your way off on when to take it.