Second cycle question, all opinions welcome


New member
Earlier in the year I completed my first cycle of Dbol for 6 weeks, mainly to test the waters and must say was happy with my results with no negative effects. I am now looking to make my second cycle more "exotic" I am about to run an 8 week cycle, it as follows:
Weeks 1-6 Dbol
Weeks 1-8 Test Prop
150mg EOD

I'll be running nolva and Clomid for my PCT.

What are people's thoughts on this stack?
Whas your goal for this cycle?? ramping up doses and tapering is not needed with dbol. I think you should just run a basic test e/c 12 weeks at 400-500mg 2 pins a week. If you are set on dbol I'd still go with a long ester version of test as this ls your first injectable cycle and you made a mistake doing dbol as your first. Your first cycle will always be your best and by doing a oral only you short changed yourself lmo. Also look into tbol much better compound in my opinion size less bloat and useless weight gain that Dbol brings. How are you laying out your pct. And by the way you started off wrong bro yiu need to post stats such as age, weight, years training ect. Be sure to have blood work done before starting. You need to do more research before doing a cycle and if yiu are under 25 please do not cycle
And you didn't mention a ai. Which is why I say you need to do more research. All the basics are left of of your question
Whats your reason for the dosage increase and tampering?

I would just keep it at a steady intake to avoid fluctuations in your bloods, even though orals have a half-life, there is still a build in the blood plasma and the more stable it is the better off the effects..

30-40mgs is a moderate dose so I wouldnt be to concerned with sides if you take throughout the day to keep stable levels..10mgs every 4 hrs.. 3 doses a day mate

for the test prop, I like the 150, its a great way to really optimize the effects on that short ester and getting the most of it, just rotate your sites to avoid extended site pip.. delts,glutes or even VG..This way shooting EOD will seem like a breeze..
Keep it simple.

Test Enanthate only cycle - 500mg per week - 12-14 weeks.
Arimidex @ 0.5mg E3D and HCG @ 250iu x2 per week throughout cycle.

PCT - 18 days after end of cycle
Clomid and Nolva standard 4 week protocol.

No need to reinvent the wheel!
Keep it simple.

Test Enanthate only cycle - 500mg per week - 12-14 weeks.
Arimidex @ 0.5mg E3D and HCG @ 250iu x2 per week throughout cycle.

PCT - 18 days after end of cycle
Clomid and Nolva standard 4 week protocol.

No need to reinvent the wheel!

Simple yet effective. I still feel he needs to research more. There's rwally nothing wrong with running test p but for a newbie the amount of pins required and the pain associated with the p ester may be overwhelming. The dbol ramping and tapering is old and flawed.