Second cycle question


New member
Okay, as some of you may know, I'm only in the second week of my first cycle. So this post might sound a bit odd, but bear with me. What I'm trying to do is (while I have the money) get everything that I might need for my second cycle so that I'll just have it here. Then a few months after my first cycle, I'll start up. Here's what I'm currently running:

Test Cyp: 400 mg's weeks 1-10
Dbol: 35 mgs weeks 1-4
Clomid and Nolva

Here's what I'm thinking. I could do one more bulker after this one to perhaps get the size I want..THEN go on a cutter after all that. It seems to me that would be more reasonable than bulking, then cutting, then bulking again. I could be wrong though. So in that realm of's what I was thinking I could do

Test Enanth: 500mg's weeks 1-10
EQ or Deca (not sure which. Still weighing out the sides, which will provide more mass, deca dick LOL, etc) weeks 1-10
Then either Anadrol or Dbol 40mg's? weeks 1-4

I thought perhaps trying Sustanon (sust). instead of enanth too. Basically I'm just throwing ideas around and not setting anything in stone yet by ANY means. So...anyone have any ideas or critiques? I figure adding the extra 100 mg's of a test, then another compound, I should react nicely due to the fact I purposely limited the cycle I'm on now to only two compounds. But what the hell do I know? Anyway, any help or ideas are greatly appreciated! THANKS!
If i was you bro i would hold out...see how ur body reacts to this cycle and if it works for you..then look into ur next cycle...dont get ahead of yourself bro..i would hold out and see what this cycle does for you..IMO
Well I think a Test/Eq/D-bol cycle would be a good choice. The reason why I chose this compounds is that if symptoms arise they are more easily controlled than that of Deca/Anadrol, though with Anadrol you don't have much to worry about since it has a short half-life. How about:

Test 500mgs weeks 1-10
Eq 400mgs weeks 1-12
Dbol 40mgs/ed weeks 1-5

followd by clomid therapy!:)
WannaImpress said:
Well I think a Test/Eq/D-bol cycle would be a good choice. The reason why I chose this compounds is that if symptoms arise they are more easily controlled than that of Deca/Anadrol, though with Anadrol you don't have much to worry about since it has a short half-life. How about:

Test 500mgs weeks 1-10
Eq 400mgs weeks 1-12
Dbol 40mgs/ed weeks 1-5

followd by clomid therapy!:)

Good advice.....I would go with this choice also!!!! By the way BFS, check your PM!!!;)
Thanks BUFF!! I shot you back. Well I think I'm going to use everyone's ideas. Right now...I'm just devising a plan to implement later. If that even makes sense. Trust me, I'm going to wait until this cycle is over, then about 12-14 weeks just to be sure, then go for another. Keep the ideas coming though. Much appreciated
some find anadrol kick ass, some say it sux. I would go with d-bol. Myself dont consider anadrol to stay in the reasonable area of pro/cons.
But i think its good you keep it simple. But what is your BF right now?