Second Cycle Test/Deca/Dbol


New member
I will be starting my cycle a week and a half from now

My Planned cycle

weeks 1-4 40mg dbol/day
weeks 1-12 deca 400mg
weeks 1-15 600mg test E
weeks 17-21 PCT (clomid 100/50/50/50)
weeks 1-17 letroplex .5mg e3d, 1/4 pill
500iu for the week leading up to my clomid post cycle therapy (pct).

I also have Liquid Prami, and arimiplex on hand if i have any issues with side effects.

Here are some stats:
Weight: 226
Height: 5'11
biceps: 18"
quads: 26"
calf: 17.5"
waist: 39"
chest: 46"
The dbol and juice i have is GP.

I also saw the smokin' deal Rui had on liquid clen and liquid t3 during the st. pattys day sale so I bought some of that. Would it be smart to add that to this cycle to burn fat and maintain muscle mass? or should I save it for a later date/ better cycle???

I will be adding pics up next week and also posting updates of progress as soon as I start the cycle. Questions/comments/concerns are all welcome!!!!

thanks in advanced
everything looks great man, i wouldn't bother adding those to, because your already on a lot. PLus your running a bulkier cycle, technically u can cut, but this cycle is more for bulking. I would rather leave those two out.
everything looks great man, i wouldn't bother adding those to, because your already on a lot. PLus your running a bulkier cycle, technically u can cut, but this cycle is more for bulking. I would rather leave those two out.

yeah but the only cycles i will be doing are the bulking ones, i'm a grower not a shower ;) I was just considering adding them because i don't eat the cleaniest and am more worried about getting mass amount of calories/carbs/protein in. Just thought it would help the waistline a bit but I understand I am taking quite a bit of juice.... do you recommend taking them a couple months after the cycle without any testosterone?? I'm just worried if I take them without any T I will lose too much muscle.
I've been wondering the same question. Going to run almost the exact same cycle. Only thing different is I will be running aromasin and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout it all. Maybe some caber too.
I've been considering clen. You hate to run it with out test because you will probably loose muscle however how much do you throw into a cycle. Especially a bulk cycle.... Let us know what you decide and why. I'm trying to figure out the same thing.
I'm doing almost the same cycle; sus, less dbol and slightly less deca. You're almost exactly my size too, im 6'3 236 but your measurements are about the same. I'll post up my cycle log when I start in a few weeks as well, this should be interesting
Still deciding and doing research on the clen and t-3 addition but might hold off till later. I'm going to see how much fat I gain compared to muscle mass in the next six weeks. I did decide to bump up my dbol to 50 mg a day, I take 20 mg in the morning and then 30mg about an hour and half before I work out. Like I said earlier, I started the test deca and dbol on the 16th, one pin into the right glute. Hurt a little more then I remember the next day after but nothing thats not manageable. I didn't feel the dbol kick in until tonights (4/24)workout doing dead lifts and holy hannah did i feel the pumps, I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to finish my 5th set it hurt so bad. I actually had to sit down for about five minutes after until the aching went away, so im glad its working. Starting weight on the 16th was 226 which is the weight i have been stuck at for about a month, just weighed in at 229 so I know good things are happening and I'm retaining water. People were not joking about comsuming massive amounts of water because im not very fond of water but have been doing the best I can to keep chugging it but my piss is still more yellow then i would like it to be. second pin on the 19th was into the left glute, same amount of soreness the next couple days but no biggie. third pin went into both my quads tues the 23rd. I put 1cc test in the right one and 1cc deca in the other. I didn't know that deca pip would make you sore but it does for me. the test pip in the right quad is still more sore then the left but still they both are sore. can anyone chime in with experience about if I were to add clen and t-3 when and how much/long should I take it for?
entering my 4th week of pinning. Last week I had a little mishap where my tues. 4/30 shot into the left delt looked like it was infected. about two days later I noticed my left arm about three inches below where I injected was red and hot to touch. luckily It went down and away the next day but I was planning on heading to the doctor to get some antibiotics if nothing changed. I dont know if it was my body reacting to the juice or dirty gear or something but I have been making sure everything is clean and alcohol swabbed before injecting. But everything else is going good. weight is at 234-237 depending on how much liquid I consume. strength is going up and I know Im recovering way faster then normal.
Good shit man! Im in my second week weighing the same with some good strength gains. Im not eating as much as I should be but Ill get on track soon. We should both get some serious gains on this cycle
just a quick update. everything is going very smooth. I have no joint pain whatsoever, entering my 8th week on the cycle so im pretty excited for the deca to start kicking in. weight is at 237-239 and all lifts are going up with quick recovery time. no estro or deca sides so i guess my body handles deca okay. sex drive is through the roof. not eating as clean as i should be but still getting in the cals/carbs/protein i need. I will go in for blood tests here in the next week or two and post up the results