Sending private messages to other members


New member
I am new to the forum and curious on why it won't let me send private message . When I try to do so it says that I don't have permission to do so. Why is this?

you need 50 posts. hopefully you're not PM'ing asking for a source or anything like that. Hang around. make some good posts, ask questions, share experiences.
Reading the stickies will give you all the information you need, post up when you have a better idea what you are doing and we will be glad to help and critique
This isn't the only forum around, it's possible to have friends even though you're new. Also, one might want to talk to a site sponsor etc where it might be better offline... Just sayin. I received a couple PMs from guys and I had no way to reply back, pain in the ass but oh well. :)

PS- I personally had to wait approx 24 hours after reaching 50 posts to be able to finally reply back to my PMs.
I am new to the forum and curious on why it won't let me send private message . When I try to do so it says that I don't have permission to do so. Why is this?

Be smart, and read the stickies for any questions that you might have. Sourcing is not allowed but always be careful as asking for sources is a good way to set yourself up to have a bad experience. if you have any real and solid questions ask away in the forum and to our sponsors as they provide the best.
This isn't the only forum around, it's possible to have friends even though you're new. Also, one might want to talk to a site sponsor etc where it might be better offline... Just sayin. I received a couple PMs from guys and I had no way to reply back, pain in the ass but oh well. :)

PS- I personally had to wait approx 24 hours after reaching 50 posts to be able to finally reply back to my PMs.

True, but the guy doesent even know what a stickie is. Red flag brahhhhhhhh
True, but the guy doesent even know what a stickie is. Red flag brahhhhhhhh

^ This. We all know...or at least should know that the number of spammers or guys PMing for sources likely far out weigh the guys coming from other forums who know each other. The 50 post minimum is simply a bit of deterrence or road block to help cut down on people PMing spamming for sources or trying to sell. It's a minor issue for new members who have legit reasons for being here. Obviously it won't prove anything in terms of member quality or motives but it does cut down on a few issues. Much like dating someone for a while before marriage. Doesn't mean it won't end in divorce, just helps to increase the chances that it might not end in divorce.

Not to mention I'm sure many vets can see through the guy who joins today, and suddenly has 50 post in a couple of hours.
^ This. We all know...or at least should know that the number of spammers or guys PMing for sources likely far out weigh the guys coming from other forums who know each other. The 50 post minimum is simply a bit of deterrence or road block to help cut down on people PMing spamming for sources or trying to sell. It's a minor issue for new members who have legit reasons for being here. Obviously it won't prove anything in terms of member quality or motives but it does cut down on a few issues. Much like dating someone for a while before marriage. Doesn't mean it won't end in divorce, just helps to increase the chances that it might not end in divorce.

Not to mention I'm sure many vets can see through the guy who joins today, and suddenly has 50 post in a couple of hours.
THIS!! ^^^

stick around buddy, help out, make friends. WELCOME!