Serious Help Needed with This Problem


New member
Serious Help Needed with This Problem

Man, what the fuck am I to do. I'm one of the twig legged ones you see at your gym, but with the exception that I work the ever livin shit out of my legs. Here's the problem, I have really tight hams and ileotibial bands on my legs. This causes the patella of my knee to move out of place when I do weight bearing bending movements (read squats and presses). Also, to compound this, I have small medial quads, which are too weak to hold my knee (patella) in place. A double whammy!!

Now, I'm literally trying everything possible to overcome this. I stretch and stretch beyond belief. People wonder why the hell I'm doing this. Also, I'm doing tons of leg extensions, particularly at the top of the movement. And, squats, with my legs close together and FAR in front of me (this is the only way I can do it w/o excruciating pain - - and I've tried it all).

I decided to do a cycle to try to "outgrow" the problem. I'm just finishing up this first cycle. It was a mild one by all accounts 300 mg test/cyp week. I worked the crap out of my legs and they did grow a little but I really need some serious help - - a breakthrough on this problem.

I have posted several posts on this in the training section of various forums but with little results. I know there are lots of smart bros in here so please Y'all help me out.

I'll do the work and take the pain to build some real legs but I've gotta find a way past this problem.

Thanks, GO
Are you working on finding new methods of training your muscles to gain more strength in them?

Plyometrics ... beginning exercises would be a great option... it would definitely help you out.

Also, LOOOOW weight squats going below parallel can really help that... don't worry about the weight, just concentrate on going BELOW paraell... it takes the pressure OFF the knees and onto the hips... so it should reduce the strain...

Do you have problems sprinting?? Sprinting is highly anabolic... and can help build up leg muscle and stability... but I don't know how your legs are... the way you are describing them... they feel like they are going to fall apart?!?

I'd be happy to help you out further if you want.. maybe put together a workout program for you... and I can give you my personal personal e-mail through that addy.

Also, you can PM me on -- I am there alot... and would very much like to help you out bro.

Kakdiesel said:
cditty is my hero....i love what up buddy :)

I was just about to ask "where is the love" by Black Eyed Peas and Justin Timberlake... then you walked onto my post :) -- how's it going bro? :)

Things are going great... :)

Thanks bro. I played soccer for years and ran and biked everywhere. I've used my legs a lot but they just didn't grow from it. I feel like I need to do resistance training to get them to grow. I have tried low weight squats and going low, but even that will pull the knees out. In fact, I can do no weight squats and my knees can go out. It's really frustrating. Also, once it pulls out, that leg workout is pretty shot until a few days later, so I try to be pretty careful. The weird thing is that, other than this problem, the rest of my legs are pretty strong. When my knee doesn't go I can squat and press and curl a fair bit of weight. Extensions are pitiful (highlighting the weakness of the medial quads).

I'm interested in the plyometrics. Is there a good website for that or can you give me some more info? Should I pm you on it?

I have the same problem...they dont like to grow..i look very un proportioned since my upper body is big, ansd i look crazy..

I have to come up with something also...


Help!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: