Seriously. What sorcery is this? New 3J client


New member
Hi all.

Started with 3J about ohhhhh 9 days ago. I've dropped about 6 pound. I'm a woman, typically very hard for me to budge fat. It's budging, alright.

I'm a competitive strongwoman. Lifts are going up--hit a deficit DL PR of 305 this week, 175 lb sandbag, 170# keg, and loaded the 200# stone to 48 inches for the first time. I'm not new to this stuff, and I've literally tried it all at this point, but this is working! Calories are averaging about 2100 or so best guesstimate. I'm late 40s, 5'5", 151.2 lbs this AM, 26% body fat.

Just... mind blown. If I never have to cut again for a meet, I'm going to be stoked.
Pics or.... Just Kidding. :D

3J is the man - there is no doubt about it. I always recommend him to people. He completely changed my physique and I learned so much about how to keep it from falling back to its previous state. You are in good hands.