Sermorelin-The Best GHRH? Quite Possibly...


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Sermorelin is a GHRH analogue. GHRH stands for Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone. Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone is produced in the hypothalamus, released into the body of mammals and exerts its effects on the pituitary gland. At the pituitary it stimulates or triggers/signals the release of growth hormone. Sermorelin is an analogue of GHRH. GHRH is a peptide. Peptides are merely a chain of amino acids joined by covalent bonds. Sermorelin is a truncated GHRH, meaning the GHRH peptide chain has been severed and the effective portion remaining is Sermorelin. It is actually the shortest effective GHRH analog. Meaning it has the fewest amino acids bonded when compared to any other GHRH analogs. This offers several benefits to us for our research, not the least of which is stability and lack of rapid degradation once administered to our research subjects. In addition to being the shortest effective GHRH analogue it is clinically the most potent GHRH analogue.

So how does Sermorelin work? Well just as you might already suspect it works just like endogenous GHRH. Once administered to our research subject it acts upon the pituitary to signal and release Growth Hormone (GH). The fact that it mimics this natural hormone offers several benefits in our research.

First of all the release of GH that Sermorelin triggers is episodic, meaning it occurs in a pulse, just like natural GH is released. This would be as opposed to the introduction of actual GH to our research subject which would cause a more prolonged steady increase in GH levels. While the latter may sound desirable the fact is this "pulse" type release of GH is the pattern prevalent in male research subjects and most conducive to the benefits of increased GH observed in males such as improved body composition, fat loss, sense of emotional wellbeing, etc (more on these benefits later).

Secondly, Sermorelin, due to its action of mimicking naturally occurring GHRH, increases pituitary reserve and preserves more of the growth hormone neuroendocrine axis. This axis is the first to fail in the aging process.

Third, this added recruitment of activity in the pituitary slows the cascade of hypophyseal hormone failure that occurs during aging. This preserves both youthful anatomy and physiology.

Fourth, due to its mimicking of natural GHRH there is no rapid reduction in Sermorelin's effectiveness, making long term administration not only safe for our research subjects, but continually and progressively effective.

So now that we know the benefits of how Sermorelin works, let’s look at some of the direct benefits a research subject will experience by its administration:

• Reduction in subcutaneous and even visceral fat
• Increase lean body mass
• Resistance to injury and faster repair if injury is sustained
• Increase in metabolism
• Increased stamina
• Anti-Aging Effects
• Improved Sleep
• Resistance to Lymphatic disease
• Increase in IGF (IGF has a profound effect on building lean mass)
• A reduction in Risk factors for age related diseases
• Strengthening of joints and connective tissue
• Increases in bone density – Increases in calcium retention
• Improvements in cognitive abilities

As you can see the list of benefits for this astounding peptide is quite impressive. The benefits of increased muscle mass, decreased body fat, the strengthening of joints and connective tissue, along with the injury prevention and repair benefits may be of particular interest to you in your research.

Can these benefits be further optimized? You bet they can. By combining Sermorelin with a Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide that acts on the ghrelin receptor as opposed to directly on the pituitary these benefits can be dramatically compounded. Some good examples of effective Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides would be GHRP2 and GHRP6. Those GHRP's also offer additional benefits of their own - see our other write ups for additional information on these potent GHRP's.

So whether using Sermorelin on its own or in conjunction with a GHRP, you have an amazingly powerful tool for use in your research. This powerful peptide very well may be the best GHRH available. Best of luck when using it in your research!

Check it out >> Sermorelin 2mg - Peptides

*Rudman D, et al. Astonishing results in terms of the effects GH has on aging. N Engl J Med. 1990 Jul 5;323(1):1-6
*Walker RF, Eichler DC, Bercu BB. Inadequate pituitary stimulation: a possible cause of growth hormone insufficiency and hyperprolactinemia in aged rat. Endocrine. 1994;2:633–8
*Villalobos C, Núñez L, Frawley LS, et al. Multi-responsiveness of single anterior pituitary cells to hypothalamic-releasing hormones: A cellular basis for paradoxical secretion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997;94:14132–7
*Russell-Aulet M, Dimaraki EV, Jaffe CA, et al. Aging-related growth hormone (GH) decrease is a selective hypothalamic GH-releasing hormone pulse amplitude mediated phenomenon. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001;56:M124–9
*Tang SS, Zhang JH, Du MH, Wu J, Liu JJ (2004). "Construction and activity of a novel GHRH analog, Pro-Pro-hGHRH(1-44)-Gly-Gly-Cys.". Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 25 (11): 1464–70. PMID 15525469
*Pharmacology (Rang, Dale, Ritter & Moore, ISBN 0-443-07145-4, 5th ed., Churchill Livingstone 2003)
*Obál F, Krueger J (2001). "The somatotropic axis and sleep.". Rev Neurol (Paris) 157 (11 Pt 2): S12–5. PMID 11924022
what would you recommend taking with semorelin+ ghrp-6 to get the most out of it? by that I mean otc supplements
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what would you recommend taking with semorelin+ ghrp-6 to get the most out of it? by that I mean otc supplements

I would rec a ZMA supp, thats always very good. also extra Vitd & b12 and general multi V/M.
I also really like 2-3g taurine ed, i think it helps with mass, mood ect. not directly hgh related, but i would rec it on or off peps. They got the new B12 drops at rui i would deff rec.
all right cool, great info and other ways to get the best kick keep em posted! should I be taking daa also?
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what would you recommend taking with semorelin+ ghrp-6 to get the most out of it? by that I mean otc supplements

Id take horny goat weed and green tea extract to inhibit somatostatin or GHIH (growth hormone inhibiting hormone). I have the disages written down somewhere from my cjc1293/ghrp6 cycle i ran last year. f your interested ill dig the dosage info up.
Would this be good with tb500 for a knee injury? I just read a tb500 log here and it sounds awesome but I would think a GH increasing peptide would help as well. Anyone?
Would this be good with tb500 for a knee injury? I just read a tb500 log here and it sounds awesome but I would think a GH increasing peptide would help as well. Anyone?

I would think tb500, Sermorelin and GHRP2 would be an amazing health/ recovery/GH boosting stack
Ok so I have decided to do a Sermorelin & GHRP2 stack. Anyone have suggestions on exact dosage?
I want to get this ordered.....
Ok so I have decided to do a Sermorelin & GHRP2 stack. Anyone have suggestions on exact dosage?
I want to get this ordered.....

I would do 3 shots/day. first thing in am, mid afternoon, right before bed. 100mcg of each. No fats or carbs withing 30 mins pre/post injection. So you would be running 300mcg/day of each.