Setting up my first cycle, any input would be appreciated


New member
Stats: 28 years old, 5'7.5", 165 lbs, 15% bf

Goal: 170 lbs, <10% bf

Training Experience: Trained 3 years 4-6 days per week, then took 2 years off. The past 2 years I have been training 4-6 days per week.

Weeks 1-14 Test E (300 mg 2x/week)*
Weeks 1-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (250 iu 2x/week)
Weeks 1-4 Dbol (12.5 mg 2x/day)
Weeks 10-16 Anavar (25 mg 2x/day)
Weeks 17-20 PCT with Nolva 40/40/20/20
*3cc/20g to draw and 1.5***8221; 25g to pin

Supplements: Arimidex (0.5 mg EOD), N2Guard, DHT Blocker (Finasteride 2.5 mg ED), Fish Oil, Joint Support (Triflex), Protein, Glutamine, BCAA, Pre-workout (w/ creatine)

Workout Schedule:
Sunday Chest/Tris
Monday Back/Bis
Tuesday Abs/Cardio
Wednesday Legs
Thursday Shoulders/Traps
Friday Abs/Cardio
Saturday Rest

Diet: I have a pretty clean diet. I don't count calories but have maintained my weight/body fat for months, eat 5-6 meals a day (including shakes). Plan on adding a weight gainer powder for the front half of my cycle.

How is this cycle looking keeping my goal in mind (basically wanting to put on 10+ lbs lbm lose 10+ lbs body fat)? Criticisms? Suggestions?
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Looks like a reasonable goal. Couple things that I see:
-No A.I.? You will want to have one like arimidex to control estrogen.
-Just run test only for 1st cycle. Learn how to manage one compound before throwing in others. If you have a bad reaction, you won't know which is causing it. But it's your choice.
Looks like a reasonable goal. Couple things that I see:
-No A.I.? You will want to have one like arimidex to control estrogen.
-Just run test only for 1st cycle. Learn how to manage one compound before throwing in others. If you have a bad reaction, you won't know which is causing it. But it's your choice.

Thanks for your reply smittiot. I will be running Arimidex as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) 0.5 mg EOD (had it listed with supps).

Wanted to run the dbol as a kick start as I understand the anabolic effects of the Test E will not be apparent until blood levels stabilize around 1 month (correct me if this isn't true). Honestly the dosage is higher than I had intended when I was doing my research, but all I could get was 50 mg tabs.

I wanted to run the Anavar to harden up and cut a bit more fat on the back end without losing any of my gains.

Also, should I stick with the same needles for my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) subQ injections or should I order some insulin syringes? Is my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dose too high?
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Yes Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is ok at 250 twice a week and up till bout 3 days before you start post cycle therapy (pct). also, yes get insulin needles.
Looks good and seems you've done your homework.

Yet I do agree with smittiot with the 1st cycle info.

Good luck and let us know your progress!
Quick update... Still haven't started my cycle. Last week I went to overhead press with 75 lb dbs which I usually put up >8 reps. Couldn't even get them up. IDK if maybe I've been going at it too hard and it's caught up or what. Deloaded this week so hopefully that helps. Either way, going to hold off on starting my cycle until I feel that my body is g2g in its natural state.

Got my pins in yesterday, still waiting on some ancillaries. Getting anxious to get started lol.

Would it be wise to try and cut my body fat a bit more before starting my cycle... thinking of scaling back the weights and throwing in cardio EOD for the next couple of weeks before I start. Any thoughts?
Quick update... Still haven't started my cycle. Last week I went to overhead press with 75 lb dbs which I usually put up >8 reps. Couldn't even get them up. IDK if maybe I've been going at it too hard and it's caught up or what. Deloaded this week so hopefully that helps. Either way, going to hold off on starting my cycle until I feel that my body is g2g in its
Got my pins in yesterday, still waiting on some ancillaries. Getting anxious to get started lol.

Would it be wise to try and cut my body fat a bit more before starting my cycle... thinking of scaling back the weights and throwing in cardio EOD for the next couple of weeks before I start. Any thoughts?

don't scale back on the weights, maybe just shorten up rest between sets to like 30 seconds. Add cardio and tweak diet if your wanting to drop some fat
I'm dead serious. If bostin could do it, why can't anyone else? I'd do it if I wasn't so acne prone, I suppose I could just take accutane though....
I'm dead serious. If bostin could do it, why can't anyone else? I'd do it if I wasn't so acne prone, I suppose I could just take accutane though....

That's retarded dude. Grow up. Don't tell people that kind of shit. There might be one jamoke that actually takes you seriously. That's one too many
I am serious. I never considered doing huge cycles in the past, but that changed after watching bostin Lloyd's videos. My next cycle is going to be his exact one, with just slightly lower doses, and less gh. I'll have to make a log for you.
GoldenEra... Thanks, but no thanks for the advice. If you had read my OP, you'd know that my goals aren't anywhere in line with a cycle like that. Further, I have enough respect for my body to not go down that path, especially for my first cycle.

Manski... I am taking your advice. Did back and bis today, lowered the weight just a bit in order to keep rest to a minimum and followed with 20 mins of low intensity cardio. Going to keep this up for the next couple of weeks.

Have a medical procedure scheduled for 11/18. It's noninvasive but still am going to wait until after to start my cycle. Still looking for HCG... My cuz works for a vet and was going to get me some but apparently everything they have in stock has been mixed with an ovulation drug... No thanks lol. Have a doc appt tomorrow and trying to think of some BS I can spit to get her to prescribe.
I am serious. I never considered doing huge cycles in the past, but that changed after watching bostin Lloyd's videos. My next cycle is going to be his exact one, with just slightly lower doses, and less gh. I'll have to make a log for you.

Go for it man. Id prolly go with more synthol tho. He was a bitch in regards to dosage on that. You can do waaaay more. Easily. No fucking problem. Don't forget ass loads of slin. If you go big on dosages with anything, go HUGE on slin.
I am serious. I never considered doing huge cycles in the past, but that changed after watching bostin Lloyd's videos. My next cycle is going to be his exact one, with just slightly lower doses, and less gh. I'll have to make a log for you.

Have you ever really paid attention to him in his videos? The dude can barley breath and he isn't even 30 yet!!!
But the amount of gains he made is well worth it. He deserves an award.

You sir are most likely a troll looking to get a rise out of people but sadly the advice you are giving could be taken at face value by a noob and they could do great harm to themselves and for that sir you need to be throat punched!
First pin was last night. Ventrogluteal shot went extremely well; no PIP, needle slid in with no pain. HCG subQ shot was ironically a bit more painful and bruised a bit, with a 29 g vs the 25 with the test E.

Only thing is, I woke up this morning and had a bad cough, some chest congestion and have been sneezing. Still went to the gym today but went really light. Idk if this is a reaction from the test or if I already had something coming on. I've been reading that some get a "flu" like reaction from test, but would the onset be so quick?