Stats: 28 years old, 5'7.5", 165 lbs, 15% bf
Goal: 170 lbs, <10% bf
Training Experience: Trained 3 years 4-6 days per week, then took 2 years off. The past 2 years I have been training 4-6 days per week.
Weeks 1-14 Test E (300 mg 2x/week)*
Weeks 1-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (250 iu 2x/week)
Weeks 1-4 Dbol (12.5 mg 2x/day)
Weeks 10-16 Anavar (25 mg 2x/day)
Weeks 17-20 PCT with Nolva 40/40/20/20
*3cc/20g to draw and 1.5***8221; 25g to pin
Supplements: Arimidex (0.5 mg EOD), N2Guard, DHT Blocker (Finasteride 2.5 mg ED), Fish Oil, Joint Support (Triflex), Protein, Glutamine, BCAA, Pre-workout (w/ creatine)
Workout Schedule:
Sunday Chest/Tris
Monday Back/Bis
Tuesday Abs/Cardio
Wednesday Legs
Thursday Shoulders/Traps
Friday Abs/Cardio
Saturday Rest
Diet: I have a pretty clean diet. I don't count calories but have maintained my weight/body fat for months, eat 5-6 meals a day (including shakes). Plan on adding a weight gainer powder for the front half of my cycle.
How is this cycle looking keeping my goal in mind (basically wanting to put on 10+ lbs lbm lose 10+ lbs body fat)? Criticisms? Suggestions?
Goal: 170 lbs, <10% bf
Training Experience: Trained 3 years 4-6 days per week, then took 2 years off. The past 2 years I have been training 4-6 days per week.
Weeks 1-14 Test E (300 mg 2x/week)*
Weeks 1-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (250 iu 2x/week)
Weeks 1-4 Dbol (12.5 mg 2x/day)
Weeks 10-16 Anavar (25 mg 2x/day)
Weeks 17-20 PCT with Nolva 40/40/20/20
*3cc/20g to draw and 1.5***8221; 25g to pin
Supplements: Arimidex (0.5 mg EOD), N2Guard, DHT Blocker (Finasteride 2.5 mg ED), Fish Oil, Joint Support (Triflex), Protein, Glutamine, BCAA, Pre-workout (w/ creatine)
Workout Schedule:
Sunday Chest/Tris
Monday Back/Bis
Tuesday Abs/Cardio
Wednesday Legs
Thursday Shoulders/Traps
Friday Abs/Cardio
Saturday Rest
Diet: I have a pretty clean diet. I don't count calories but have maintained my weight/body fat for months, eat 5-6 meals a day (including shakes). Plan on adding a weight gainer powder for the front half of my cycle.
How is this cycle looking keeping my goal in mind (basically wanting to put on 10+ lbs lbm lose 10+ lbs body fat)? Criticisms? Suggestions?
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