Quick update:
3 weeks in...Last night was my 7th pin. Things are going well so far; I'm up 5 lbs in the past two weeks and if anything I'm noticing a bit more definition. Weight has gone up at least 15% on all of my lifts. I had felt like I'd hit a plateau before I started the cycle; definitely have busted through that, lol. Started working with 3J, so diet has been pretty on point. Going to be bulking with a carb cycling diet for the next couple of months. I'm also going to be changing my split up a bit (breaking arms off to there own day) and really trying to focus more on compound lifts for the majority of my exercises.
I've been having a bit of insomnia for the past week, which has been a real pain as my sleep schedule has been throwing off my training and eating schedule. Also, I haven't really noticed any increase in my libido, which was kind of throwing me off (had me thinking my gear might be bunk for a bit, but I think it may be attributable to either my Finasteride or Arimidex). I haven't really noticed any bloat so I thought I'd try to drop my Adex dosage from .25 ED to .25 EOD. Going to see how this dose treats me, if I notice any signs I'll bump it back up.