severe leg cramps from clen


New member
holy shit!... I'm on my second day of clen only cycle. 1st day- about 40mcg today- about 60mcg. this is the first time i've taken it. i worked out my legs today and about 2 hrs later i experienced severe cramps in my quads for a solid 15 min. it just happened again for about 10 min. I've taken 3g of taurine today and yesterday and I've eaten 2 bananas! WTF!?! any suggestions????
I experienced muscle cramps and pulls when on clen and T3.
A couple years later and my muscles are still pretty tight.
Lots of water can help. You also might try some magnesium supplements .
- Anybody else ?
taurine creatine calcium magnesium gatoraide & tons of water and rest

With the kind of pain that i get i will take
the whole freakin kit and kaboodle... and the kitchen sink.

I'm still recovering from 4days ago...
both my legs (sartorious spasm). since then
no new cramps.

Blizz did ya get it in the quads for sure ?
that means you strech it by pulling back on you foot or just slowly squating down.
But dude if it is the sartorious (from hip to back of knee) then you have to straighten your leg
and lock you knee and straighten your back....
while someone rubs and massages your leg.

I guess, when i used to read as a kid, of
how Arnold would get a massage after a workout ..there was something to that.
A jacuzee could possible help to get rid of the extra lactic acid in the muscle.
After taking everything take an extra 2 glasses of water that you have to actually force yourself to drink.

BTW: my cramps can last only 5 minutes cause i have learned the best way to pull out of it....but even just one second is murder
like a car driving slowly over your legs ...I guess.
I would get them even long after (years) a
cycle ...I 'm not convinced it's the juice that is
causing it.

i hope i offered some encouragement
2-3g's of Taurine daily which you already have, Magnesium, Potasium and Calcium. Not sure but it could take a few days for the Taurine to really help. I get tren cramps and for me the above mix has pretty much taken care of things.
Ok i got the same thing. Sometimes like a twitching of the muscles and others i would wake up in the middle of the night with the worste cramps on my calves.
What worked for me was some potassium supplements.
Tee: i thinks you nailed it
something like clen with those side effects
will certainly cause cramps.

i guess one has to choose
take the clen with the cramps
take the diet with the hunger
yeah it was definitely my quads. my left leg, especially, cramped and didnt go back down for a solid 5 min. I've had cramps before but damn that was painful!

about the potassium supp... i heard taking potassium pills can be dangerous for numerous reasons. any feedback on that?

maybe low dose would be okay
water: 2 gal daily
taurine: 3-5 grams daily
calcium: 2 grams daily
potassium: 400-600 mgs daily
magnesium: 1.5-2 grams daily

second week of clen/t-3, the 1st week i cramped bad even when taking these supps. i had to up the doses to these #'s and the last 3 days my muscles feel normal again( flexible, not tight and crampy)

if your current dose of minerals isn't working you may need to up it. you can take clen w/out cramps you just need to know what your doing.
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