Shear Strength & Ripped Mass


My cycle is as follows:
Tren Enanthate 200mg
Equipoise 200mg
Test Cypionate 300mg
Test Enanthate 300mg

Dosage: twice a week injections in my quads @ 2ml per vial.... Mg's per week is 2000mg. Or 400mg Tren E, 400mg Eq, 600mg Test C, 600mg Test E.

I am 207lbs @ 12% bf, my goal weight before cutting for show is 250lbs @ 10% bf or less. My show weight will be 225lbs @ 3% bf. This stack made me feel utterly unstoppable, in the gym training or just sitting around. I was on this cycle for 3.5 weeks before my right quad gave out on me. I started this cycle weighing 199lbs, in those 3 or so weeks of hard training I jumped to 217lbs and was gaining strength each rep. Eating like a monster and losing bodyfat at the same time. Now that I am healed, this is what I will be running again for 12 weeks.

Let me know what you all think.

Not digging it buddy. 1st off why would you do Test E and Cyp?? The ester half-life is the same and the only REAL difference is the cyp is 1 carbon molecule heavier than the test E. This is splitting hairs and should not be taken as test E is > Test cyp.

The amount your taking is SO FAR out of my league I don't even know what to say. Tren and test target the same receptor and you have 3x the amount of test in the cycle and most people on this site think the amount of tren should be over the test.

Why so much test? Have your receptors downgraded that much?
Since your even willing to take so much at once I assume you blast and cruise w/o ever doing a post cycle therapy (pct).

If you were on cycle for 3.5 weeks before you got hurt the tests did not even fully kick in. All I can come up with is you meant to say test prop instead of one of the others.

So very confused. Please clear this up for me lol.
Sounds like you are just throwing around #'s to see what hits.

"I was on this cycle for 3.5 weeks before my right quad gave out on me"

"tren enanthate 200mg
Equipoise 200mg
test cypionate 300mg
test enanthate 300mg"

Most of the stuff doesn't even kick in till week 4-5. Yes, you can gain weight - but you sure the effect was not mostly placebo from the higher intake of food?

"I am 207lbs @ 12% bf, my goal weight before cutting for show is 250lbs @ 10% bf or less. My show weight will be 225lbs @ 3% bf."

The veterans would call this 3% target bull$hit.
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Reason for me using test c and e together is bcuz that's what I had. So in all I was at 1200 mg of test, 400 mg tren, and 400 mg Eq. Tren and Eq are hardeners fo the watery mass I gained off my cycles.

The first part of my post where it lists my "vials" I was letting you know the mg load per ml is all. The dosage is not that.

This cycle will be my 2nd just like this. And I hadnd actually cycled off from it while I was laid up, I bridged with deca and test at a dosage of 300mg deca and 150mg test c... my test levels never dropped off much if any...