Short, high dose GH cycle


New member
ive notice that the AIDS patients that i talked with have been perscribed 18 iu ed for a short duration. I AM NOT GONNA BE A DUMBASS AND USE THAT MUCH. i was thinking about 9 units ed for 12 weeks instead of 4.5 for 24 weeks. ive used 4-6 iu for several months with good results (fatloss) that seem to stop in the middle of the cycle.

has anyone ever tried 9 plus units for 12 weeks or so. what were the results and sides.
Ironmaster, who knows more about gh than anyone else I know, always said that dose wasn't as important as duration. He's in his 50's, has been using gh for a million years, and uses just 2iu/ED.
try it and let us know, and also dont forget aids patients have differant circumstances than we do.