Short test e cycle and clen


New member
Hi. I am thinking of doing a short cycle of test e alone. 6weeks max. This is my 2nd time doing a cycle. My 1st cycle was 10weeks test e and 2weeks dbol for kickstart. I had attained great results. I've been lifting for 6years.
My stats are. Age:24, 130lbs, 5"4. I dont know exactly my BF%, but I think Im 15% or below.
Diet: In a week. 4days no-low carb. 2days moderate carb. 1day cheatday
Protein 140-200g. Moderate Carb 50-100g. Low Carb 40g below.
Bench, Deadlift are 1.5x bodyweight
Squat 1xbodyweight (I have knee issues)
Will purposely overtrain for Week 2-5

So here it goes.
Week 1-5: 600mg/week
Week 5-6: 500mg
PCT: Clomid or Nolva
2 weeks on and off: Clenbuterol

The last time I ran my test e cycle. I didnt have an AI on hand that time, no gyno issues though.
Now, I've been thinking of adding L-Dopa throughout the cycle, regarding estrogen and possible libido loss.

Why did I choose test only and short cycle? I am aware that I can maximize gains by adding other compounds, but I want to keep it simple and shorten recovery time.
What will I expect from the end of my cycle? More progress in terms of strength and hypertrophy compared to a test-e free 6 weeks.I really don't expect huge results

Hoping for your suggestions and opinions. Thank You.
Test E doesn't really kick in until week 5/6 due to the long ester. Either run it longer or switch to a short ester like Test Prop.

Where is your hCG in this cycle?

Detail out PCT please.

You need an AI. Your E2 will be elevated. There is more to worry about than just gyno with high E2.

How many calories do you eat daily? You are pretty small.

Read the Ology FAQs Sticky.
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If your only gonna run a test only cycle for 6 weeks then you should run test prop, not test e. Test e only has a 67% absorption rate, and a long ester, by the time you feel it really kicking in is about the same time you quit and go into pct,,,, that's not even worth shutting yourself down for IMO

Also why do you wanna run clen? Your only 130 pounds, you don't need to burn fat , you need to eat and grow
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IMO, you need to seriously reassess your diet & training protocols.

I'm nearly the same height as you & had better stats before I even started lifting. I'm sorry man but those stats after 6 years of training & a cycle under your belt are really, really poor.

You need to look up 3J to get your diet dialled in & post up your routine so that we can critique what's going on & help you get better results.
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Teat E doesn't really kick in until week 5/6 due to the long ester. Either run it longer or switch to a short ester like Test Prop.

Where is your hCGni this cycle?

Detail out PCT please.

You need an AI. You E2 will be elevated. There is more to worry about than just gyno with high E2.

How many calories do you eat daily? You are pretty small.

Read the Ology FAQs Sticky.

Unfortunately I don't have HCG. I cycle my calories. 1,200 is the lowest and 2,500 is the highest. Arimidex is pretty expensive here, but yeah, I guess I will be switching to prop and have a decent AI on hand before starting again. Thank you sir.

Also how are your bench and deadlift the same weight...
I also find it weird, but deadlift goes 200+ above, i just estimated.

If your only gonna run a test only cycle for 6 weeks then you should run test prop, not test e. Test e only has a 67% absorption rate, and a long ester, by the time you feel it really kicking in is about the same time you quit and go into pct,,,, that's not even worth shutting yourself down for IMO

Also why do you wanna run clen? Your only 130 pounds, you don't need to burn fat , you need to eat and grow

I'm only 5'4" and have experienced being 150-160lbs, and it doesn't look good on me, seriously. I look a lot smaller. Regarding the clen, I've ran it in the past for only 2 weeks and saw results. The side effects were bad, that I was shaking every time like a crack addict. My body is very sensitive to it and I will be taking half doses and increasing it slowly depending on my goal. I just want to target the stubborn fat left.

Thank you sir. I also thought the shutdown wouldn't be worth it, I just needed to hear it from someone.
IMO, you need to seriously reassess your diet & training protocols.

I'm nearly the same height as you & had better stats before I even started lifting. I'm sorry man but those stats after 6 years of training & a cycle under your belt are really, really poor.

You need to look up 3J to get your diet dialled in & post up your routine so that we can critique what's going on & help you get better results.

Is it bad that I remember being 130lbs in 8th grade? :laugh:

All joking aside, I agree with Zilla - all the AAS in the world won't help if you don't eat/train properly. Stick around, you'll be brought up to speed in no time OP.

My .02c :)
Unfortunately I don't have HCG. I cycle my calories. 1,200 is the lowest and 2,500 is the highest. Arimidex is pretty expensive here, but yeah, I guess I will be switching to prop and have a decent AI on hand before starting again. Thank you sir.

I also find it weird, but deadlift goes 200+ above, i just estimated.

I'm only 5'4" and have experienced being 150-160lbs, and it doesn't look good on me, seriously. I look a lot smaller. Regarding the clen, I've ran it in the past for only 2 weeks and saw results. The side effects were bad, that I was shaking every time like a crack addict. My body is very sensitive to it and I will be taking half doses and increasing it slowly depending on my goal. I just want to target the stubborn fat left.

Thank you sir. I also thought the shutdown wouldn't be worth it, I just needed to hear it from someone.

You should keep searching for hCG.

How much does gyno surgery cost? Is that cheaper than purchasing and using an AI?

What country are you in?
IMO, you need to seriously reassess your diet & training protocols.

I'm nearly the same height as you & had better stats before I even started lifting. I'm sorry man but those stats after 6 years of training & a cycle under your belt are really, really poor.

You need to look up 3J to get your diet dialled in & post up your routine so that we can critique what's going on & help you get better results.

zilla is right... you should look for professional help to get your nutrition up to speed.. its invaluable..

if interested in my services email me at

or check out the website in the link below

3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.
so much wrong with this post! training 6 years, already cycled, still 130 15%+ body fat. Wants to run a long ester for 6 weeks, can only squat bodyweight 1x, deadlift = bench, no HCG, no aromasin, no Letro on hand...

do you even have needles? or are you gonna mix the test in your creatine? srs question
130lbs!!! Bro invest in some weed and wood. I was 130lbs when I was a freshman in high school. I naturally built myself up to 185-190lbs until even considering taking anything.