Should I cycle like a newb??


Master of Glory
So I havent run gear in a year and a half, nor have I been to the gym, between the brand new baby and my business life grabbed me by the balls and pulled a different direction. Just got my hands on some cyp and some (maybe) dbol. (Im not sure cuz ive never seen dbol like this). My question is should I run a cycle like im brand new to it or jump back into running a gram of test a week?
I mean, it would be sweet if I could get the same results from running 500mg now that I got from running a gram 18 months ago. If I could get the kind of gains from this cycle that I got when I was 19 when I ran my first cycle it would be awesome, but I dont want to waste my time and run too little
Yeah that link had a lot of good info in it but not much in reference to a steroid sabbatical. My problem is im not sure if I should run the same amount I ran a year and a half ago. I ran for 7 years (not straight, cycling on and off) then took an 18 month break due to life changes
I would get started working out without any Aas for several months then get some pharmaceutical assistance. No use getting carried away when you have even been lifting lately.

Get some of that muscle memory back and more important a little muscle stamina so you can really hit it hard once you start pinning

Just my opinion though bro!!
I would get started working out without any Aas for several months then get some pharmaceutical assistance. No use getting carried away when you have even been lifting lately.

Get some of that muscle memory back and more important a little muscle stamina so you can really hit it hard once you start pinning

Just my opinion though bro!!
Ya I agree with this. I had a long hiatus as well years back. Once I got back in the zone I trained for a year straight naturally then hoped back on some low doses and absolutely exploded!!
I hear you on that, but I own a tree removal company so I hit it harder working than a lot of people do at the gym haha. The only reason why I kept the weight I kept and didnt turn back to a twig man. I am gonna hit it for a month with no product just to get some strength back in the muscles you really only get atthe gym then jump on
I would get started working out without any Aas for several months then get some pharmaceutical assistance. No use getting carried away when you have even been lifting lately.

Get some of that muscle memory back and more important a little muscle stamina so you can really hit it hard once you start pinning

Just my opinion though bro!!


That's easier said than done especially when you know what kind of boost you get being on
To answer your question though. No I dont think you will need to run doses like you had been doing after taling that much time off. A lower dose will be effective IMO and from my experience. But of course diet and training will be the deciding factor in what you get out of the cycle. But I know I dont need to tell you that.
when I first start after am extended hiatus, I struggle to get 30-45 minute workout before I cant lift my arms. depending on your existing test levels exogenous test wont do much good if you dont have enough muscle stamina to stimulate the muscles. If your test is low due to previous cycles then maybe just start with 125mg 2x/week for 2 months then jump to 500/wk.
Ya I think im going to start off with a beginner type cycle next month of roughly 500mg cyp for 14 weeks and 40 mg dbol ed (20 am 20 pm) for the first 5 weeks. and see how it goes. If it doesnt give me the desired effects I can always throw in some prop. Im just excited to see if I put on monster weight from being off for so long. Before I came off id be lucky to see a solid 15 lbs of clean gains a year.