Should I run eq and test this long?


New member
Hello. New to the board and looking for a bit of info.

I'm thinking of doing
androl 50mg per day weeks 1-4 (poss 6 cos I will have 100 of the little beauties)
test 600mg weeks 1-10 800mg weeks 11-17
eq 400mg weeks 1-15

Last time I did a course, it was using Black Widow Labs stuff but my mate says they aren't about now and it's Lixus Labs and the test is 400mg/ml and eq 200mg/ml so 2ml eq and 1.5ml test each week and then 2ml test (just to use it up or I know I will run the course longer!). Monday morning/thursday evening jabs. I'm wondering if it's ok to go that long. Last time I did 12 weeks but I have heard people say that it should be 12 week MINIMUM for eq or deca so figured if I buy it in 10ml bottles and doing 2 ml a week it will last me 15 weeks so may as well go for it.

BUT I have heard that eq and anadrol increas your red blood cell count considerably so was thinking of substituting it with dbol. However, he says the dbol he can get is just some sb-labs thai shit that is underdosed and wouldn't want to risk selling it in case it bites him on the arse. I dont want to substitute the eq for deca as eq gives me nice gains compared to the bloaty deca gains and chubby cheeks that I got last time. So anyone had problems with that?

I.m 29 and I've done three courses before eq/masteron, sus/deca/tren A and a 4 week anadrol cycle. Started out at a skinny 11 stone with no muscle and a beer belly and got myself up to a nice 13 and half stone of muscle over about 18 months. However, the ex decided that the steroids changed me (by changed meaning I wanted to fuck anything that moved-except for her) so I stopped. My natural shape is skinny so it was hard to keep the weight but I managed to float around 12-12.5 depending on how hard I trained and the diet I was eating (my old job didn't help with the diet) but we split up a few months ago and I kinda just couldn't be fucked with a lot of things and stopped training. I'm back down to 11.5 stone. At least I still have a physique though and not back to he skinny/fat ectomorph I was!! Back in the gym for 6 weeks and I thought fuck it i'm gonna get back on it ready for my holiday at the end of May and wanted your advice on the length of this course.

When I did the sus/deca/tren course I tried my best to record my intake of protein/carbs and calories and supplement what I couldn't with shakes but got bored of following it but will try this time. Got some USN Muscle Fuel Mass, Imapct Whey Isolate and CEE caps. Gonna have a protien shake before training and immediatley after and then a MFM shake about an hour before bed to allow the protiens in there to work whilst asleep. Not my idea but the guy in GNC. I doubt he's bullshitting because I told him I already had the CEE and protien and he advised me to do that above.

I'm still n two minds whether or not to put some Tren A on the back end of the cycle to harden and whip things up. I was thinking about anavar but i've already got 4 (maybe 6) weeks of orals in there and didn't want to do any more. I'll be taking milk thistle caps and using Nolvadex as stated here and it seemed to be ok on the last courses I took. Didn't really suffer any bitch tits and figured it must be mainly down to my natural physique but this is a heavier course so might ask my mate to get some arimidex on hand