Should I stack Winstrol with Tren Acetate??

trenbolone and winstrol Cycle

I just bought 20 cc of trenbolone and 20 cc of winstrol. I did my first shot yesterday .5cc of win and .5cc of trenbolone to startup my cycle. I will do the same this week, then the next week I will increase the dose to 1cc of each one monday, wednesday and friday. is this a correct and efficient cycle?
This is my 2nd week usein winstrol,trenbolone injectable.
1cc of winni,1cc of tren on monday,wednesday,friday and stayin off
on the weekend. im tryin to build lean muscle and gettin cut is this the right stuff and way?

you pin winstrol ed.
I just bought 20 cc of trenbolone and 20 cc of winstrol. I did my first shot yesterday .5cc of win and .5cc of trenbolone to startup my cycle. I will do the same this week, then the next week I will increase the dose to 1cc of each one monday, wednesday and friday. is this a correct and efficient cycle?

I'm 5'10" my weight is 204pds my trainning consist in two muscle by day ex. chest and biceps five excerises with 4 sets of 10 or 12 reps. my diets is based in meats and low carbs. and I'm 34 years old
First get rid of the Winstrol, get more test cypionate or enanthate, then start your own thread......
I just want to know the pattern of the use of Winstrol (winny) and trenbolone. if is monday, wednesday and friday... or if is one day Winstrol (winny) and the next day trenbolone.. the scheduale of the dosis. and when I have to start with the novaldex.
something called "tren dick" which means charlie stops working for a few weeks. To avoid that you use a test base. Also I was told you use 1.5times amount of test than you do tren, if you use 400mg tren then 600mg test

You don't necessarily need 600mg/week but you atleast need a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage once a week so you don't suffer from low T side effects. Tren is an AAS which is suppressive to you T levels. Very quickly dropping them to 0. So any Test is NECESSARY when running Tren.