Should I start before a surgery?


New member
I have taken one cycle about a year ago. Things went GREAT. I ran cypionate with dbol. I had a guy coaching me along with my mg and CCs just to make sure everything went well since I was a rookie. Anyway, I only lost 4-5 ibs since my peak of weight while on. Strength gains shot up and I gained ~20lbs. I was running a lot too since I was training to play ball. So here's my problem: I got more gear and was excited to start back again. I finally got the right insurance so I went to the doc about this lump in my shin. Turns out it is a fracture and they are going to have to put a rod in to hold it in place. She said I will probably be walking within a couple of days, and rehab would mainly include quad strengthening. Should I go ahead and start my cycle, and just build up my other leg (I've read that it will actually help strengthen the other)-thus, help with quicker recovery and squat, deadlift, exc.. when I'm able, or just wait untill I'm fully healthy?? I'd appreciate any advice, thanks.
Nope, definetly wait til after. Plus what happends to your recovery if you hurt yourself at gym pushing too much weight? And if you say your gonna take it easy at gym i'd say thats a waste of half your cycle. Wait until you can make the most of your cycle, gears not gonna speed up your recovery anything noticeable.

Interesting theory though. Im imagining you gettin around with one huge strong leg and one normal sized one now hahah.
OP, what kind of gear are you talking about? Most of the compounds I personally use cause an increase in hemocrit. Test, deca, eq, anadrol, dbol, etc., I wouldn't recommend you going under the knife with a high hemocrit level due to post-op bleeding being a concern
Wait till you are healthy. A buddy of mine had ACL replaced and started a cycle during recovery. He wound up with an infection that settled just above the knee. Not sure if it was the AAS or bad luck but it was a six month ordeal.
I'd also be concerned with the elevated bp the day of. Had knee surgery and luckily it wasn't high enough for them to question much. She asked if I was nervous and I said yep because it was a bit on the higher side. I wasn't nervous but it gave me an excuse.