Should I take steroids ? I'm 19.


New member
Hey people, I'm a 19 year old ectomorph from Romania and I would like some advices regarding steroids, I've first tried Winstrol when I was 17 for like 3 days, then I've said fuck that shit and quitted. I used to be completely against them because in my opinion health is the most important, but I see people my age that used to be skinny like me that took steroids and put on alot of muscle, the thing is they are healthy, a close friend of mine made one cycle of danabol+test and he has put on around 7 kilos, he did the post-cycle therapy and he's alright.

I weight 113lbs/52 kg and I'm 5.8/1.73m tall, I've been going to the gym for more than a year, last summer I've managed to put on 4 kilograms in 3 months with the help of protein,creatine,tons of food and sleep, I was happy with my progress even if those kilograms were just newbie gains, but when school started I didn't had much time to rest and I've started taking big breaks and then I've stopped going to the gym, I've lost all the weight I've manage to put on.

About 5 months ago I've started going to the gym again, and for 2 months I've managed to put on like 3 kilograms, but exams started and I had to quit, and I've lost the weight again. Now I'm going to the gym again, but college is starting and I'm going to be there for like 8-9 hours a day, I really wanna keep working out but I won't be able to get enough rest and eat as much, so one of my friends suggested I should take Danabol+Testosterone or Anavar (wich I heard it's pretty safe). But I'm afraid that I'll **** up my health,lose my hair and stuff like that, I really don't know what to do. Has anybody tried Anavar ?

One more thing I would like to mention is I used to have heart issues (tachycardia and arythmia) when I was younger, but it seems my heart doesen't hurt anymore even tho it still beats fast, I just mentioned because I know steroids give high blood pressure.

Sorry for writing this much, thanks in advance
NO, DO NOT RUN ANY STEROIDS, you need to focus on your health man! Listen to these guys, they are telling you right!
No. Steroids are not your answer. If you want to grow you need to eat! If you think your eating a lot it's not enough. You need to eat more!
Do not even consider it. Diet, Train, Sleep and study is what you need to focus on. Decisions made today are going to affect you for the rest of your life.
ya. It's funny how you think you know what's good for you when you're young but then you get old, look back and wonder what the hell you were thinking.
Your 19 and your natural Test levels are HIGH.. Your mentioned cardiac issues and you still have tachycardia. I would avoid any steroids now along with high dose caffeine/high energy products. The caffeine of high energy products can and usually will make your tachycardia worse!! Be careful you said you are happy with the gains your making when you were training etc the right way. So you've shown yourself you can make gains if you do it right. You lost your gains like most of us do when we stop training etc etc.. Even with gear you don't have the time now.....
If you stare at her long enough, she undresses.

That's just mean. I've stared at that Alizee avatar a few times, but this is the first time I've spent a good 5 minutes hoping for a different outcome. :spin:

For you DD55:
Alizee is looking fine! Video |

Edit: OP, do yourself a favor and read all the threads you can find on here from 18-21 year old guys that messed themselves up by being impatient. Your balls and penis will thank you. ;)