Should I use test-e and deca?


New member
Hey, everyone!
I've now got to the stage where i am considering the use of steroids.
I've got easy access to what i need but i'm not sure if now is the right time to use or to wait a little longer i've been told to use test-e and deca.
I'm 19 years old, 6ft, 209lbs and 10% bodyfat which was recently tested last week.
My diet is spot on and my supplementation is sufficient.

any response will be taken into consideration thanks !
I would wait bro theres no rush once u start you probably wont stop, and 19 is really young you still have more maturing to go i know i wasnt ready mentally at that age.Just keep training hard your body is producing plenty of test already. Keep doing research so when the day comes you know everything you need to know. I researched for about a year when I did my first cycle I was 32yrs old, im not saying wait that long but give it a few years.
you are very young man but i'm not going to say wait because your going to do it any ways and I would rather you to listen to boy's what have to say here then out in the real world. if you are going to start it. first of all make you have a post cycle therapy (pct) ready, diet in check and last thing your gear is real don't wont to be putting shit into your body. their no need for deca so drop that. start with test e. do 500mg's per week for 12week's and see how you go split the dose's up. mon and thurdays.
thanks for the responses !
The gear is coming from my brother in law who's already a competitive bodybuilder, he's the one who sort's out all of my diets ect so I'm pretty comfortable it's the real stuff ;)
Decisions suck !
Your just too young buddy! You still have years to work out and eat clean to see where your body is going naturally! Push your genetics to the max! Later, you may or may not desire to use gear! Ultimately though, as we all know, you will make a decision. That decision will be to use or not! If you choose to use, just line all your ducks up before hand. Mistakes can and should be avoided at all cost. Be wise!
thanks everyone !
i've decided to do another 12 months natural bulk and see where it lands me and after that if i believe steroids are the next stage in my training to reach my peak i'll re-consider them :)
Great decision bro and its the right one. You have alot of natural test, why not take advantage of it. I was 38 when I did my first cycle