Should steroids or trt be considered a permanent decision?


New member
Should steroids or trt be considered a permanent decision? You hear about a lot of people blasting and cruising because pct is so rough for your body to adapt back normally. What are the chances peoples bodies cant switch back to its normal hormone production level after coming off?

One of the main factors of why this question is important to me is financial reasons, because I understand my body will change when I drop off of any hormone. I hear about a lot of insurance not covering trt, and testosterone clinics openly prescribing trt that can only be purchased through their company that is insanely high. I wouldnt care to be on trt my whole life if insurance covered it, and for some reason my body wouldnt come back to normal. But the idea of being financially bound to trt for the rest of my life is a big deal to me.

Anyone have any more info or resources on this?
If you aren't prepared to be on trt for life then you really aren't ready to jump on gear. It's a possibility but not likely if you follow the standard protocols.
If you aren't prepared to be on trt for life then you really aren't ready to jump on gear. It's a possibility but not likely if you follow the standard protocols.

i agree.. though recovery is very possible, the opposite is also very possible

ive had low t since my teens.. so it was a no brainer for me.. but if you have decent test levels think twice about what youre going to do.. its a commitment
I'm almost into week 3 of PCT and it sucks. I did a 18 week blast of test e and EQ. I feel like shit, no energy, no appetite, low sex drive. This is not my first rodeo I do this to my body every year, it just getting harder and harder to recover. I am 38, have 3 kids and ain't having anymore. I am really contiplating just blasting and crusing and not putting my body threw this anymore. I agree with the post above, you should be prepared to be on trt for life when u decide to cycle.
I knew the risks from my early 20's, and that's why I resisted the urge to cycle until my mid 30's... by then I'd hit my peak naturally, I'd exhausted all of what god had given me, and the risk v reward was more in my favour...

People think the vets on here are too sensible and being rude when they knock back these fresh faced guys in their early 20's telling them are too young to cycle, it's not what you want to hear at that age...

But trust me... I'm gutted at 44 that I have a lifetime of pinning T ahead of me, I can't bear to think how it would feel at 24 with that same scenario...
Knowing that you need a needle to help get you a hard-on, the risk of infertility and never having kids.... that would fucking petrify me.

Obviously I have the benefits of blasting and cruising now, and at 44 that aint so bad.

But you young guys need to get your priorities straight - the chances of you turning pro are minimal to non-existent - so enjoy what you've got while you can, you can still get yourself in amazing physical shape naturally.

I know so, I fucking did it!
i agree.. though recovery is very possible, the opposite is also very possible

ive had low t since my teens.. so it was a no brainer for me.. but if you have decent test levels think twice about what youre going to do.. its a commitment

What do you consider decent test levels for a man in his mid forties? What is the cut off in your mind?
What do you consider decent test levels for a man in his mid forties? What is the cut off in your mind?

Decent Test levels would be when the man in question does NOT have lethargy, does NOT have aches and pains, CAN get a hard erection, CAN keep the fat off when eating healthily, DOES have a libido, CAN train with decent energy levels....

There is no magical number where you miraculously feel great.

A good TRT doc will go by how his client feels, not the number on a sheet. Because I may feel totally different at '400' than the next guy.

Likewise, for a guy living life with his own natural T levels, he needs to be all of the above symptom-free.

The authorities have to have a range to work with. But for your own purpose, you can only go by how you feel.
almost long while back I was on trt dose of test cyp.
I did a pct and never went back on because of many reasons but one being financial.
Long story short, switching my diet to mostly whole, organic foods and dropping salt was all i needed to feel well.
Low test. results are definitely relative.
For the most part I have been fine without it.
No troubles with ED or anything. But then again my bride is a wild one so libido has always had a good boost with our craziness.
Seems like most people who say T is cheap source from UGL. In the short term I see that as fine, but lets say a 26 year old (like myself) was committing to TRT for the rest of his life, sourcing from a UGL for the next 40 years would concern me. For 5 years that is fine IMO, but who knows how long the ugls and dark net markets are going to last. I have no source local as well. So being that dependent on a sketchy business concerns me. Testosterone clinics and doctors are usually more expensive from what I hear, but for the next 40 years I would feel more confident in these businesses being around.

Physically and health wise, I feel like the benefits of being on trt would increase as i aged, because of naturally declining testosterone levels. So, that is not a concern for me at the moment.
I dont know where your trt costs are so low.
But I paid somewhere around 1500$
Mine is actually closer to 15 a month. Straight from CVS pharmacy. Cash price, at the "rape me" bracket on the sliding scale is still about $100 for a 10ml vial CASH from most pharmacies. I pay around 45 as I use online coupons and have made nice with the gals at my local pharmacy.

Seems like most people who say T is cheap source from UGL. In the short term I see that as fine, but lets say a 26 year old (like myself) was committing to TRT for the rest of his life, sourcing from a UGL for the next 40 years would concern me. For 5 years that is fine IMO, but who knows how long the ugls and dark net markets are going to last. I have no source local as well. So being that dependent on a sketchy business concerns me. Testosterone clinics and doctors are usually more expensive from what I hear, but for the next 40 years I would feel more confident in these businesses being around.

Physically and health wise, I feel like the benefits of being on trt would increase as i aged, because of naturally declining testosterone levels. So, that is not a concern for me at the moment.
Actually, the majority of TRT patients do get their hormones cheaply from pharmacies. It's the guys that want TOP NOTCH care, complete with HGH and other goodies that often end up paying a pretty penny at vitality clinics.

Even if insurance didn't cover the blood tests and doctor's visit to keep my script legit - that would be like an extra 300 a year out of pocket. It's incredibly cheap given how big of an impact it has on quality of life. :)
Mine is actually closer to 15 a month. Straight from CVS pharmacy. Cash price, at the "rape me" bracket on the sliding scale is still about $100 for a 10ml vial CASH from most pharmacies. I pay around 45 as I use online coupons and have made nice with the gals at my local pharmacy.

Actually, the majority of TRT patients do get their hormones cheaply from pharmacies. It's the guys that want TOP NOTCH care, complete with HGH and other goodies that often end up paying a pretty penny at vitality clinics.

Even if insurance didn't cover the blood tests and doctor's visit to keep my script legit - that would be like an extra 300 a year out of pocket. It's incredibly cheap given how big of an impact it has on quality of life. :)

Thanks for the reply! if you dont mine me asking, who prescribed you your trt? A testosterone clinic or a doctor? Any advice on what type of doctor to see if im in it for the long haul?
Thanks for the reply! if you dont mine me asking, who prescribed you your trt? A testosterone clinic or a doctor? Any advice on what type of doctor to see if im in it for the long haul?

I was diagnosed by my General Practice physician, and he takes care of my testosterone script. Unfortunately, as he's on a medical review board, he is very opposed to off-label prescriptions such as aromatase inhibitors and HCG - so I manage those on my own.

Ultimately, the best physician for you would be one that understands not only the HPTA, but that it's how you FEEL that matters. This could be an endocrinologist, a GP, or even a urologist. I strongly recommend reading the TRT forum sticky as it will give a fantastic foundation that you can start building your knowledge upon - allowing you to better interview candidates for your TRT needs.

I'm not going to sugar coat it though, there are many doctors out there that should NOT be practicing medicine on hypogonadal men. However, once you have learned enough, you should be able to find one that hopefully meets all your criteria - or at least close enough. :)
What kind of insurance do people have that won't cover trt and bloodwork just curious because I have the cheapest insurance you can get and it cover my blood work every 3 months and my testosterone 16 bucks a month. Just curious keep reading about people's insurance not covering I find it strange

PS: I've had 2 insurances since I started my trt 1st one was the cheapest insurance my employer was require by law to offer the 2nd the cheapest insurance I could find in the marketplace since I been unemployed, both covered no problems.
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