Shoulder injection is this true

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I routinely load the whole barrel -3 to 3.5ml, each glute can take it all. My quad probably could too but I take a chance of a little hobble from pip, so i usually split the depot into both quads. It has nothing to do with trying to get more growth in certain areas. It's my understanding synthol is the only thing one can use for that. For my purposes synthol hasn't an merit in my regiment whatsoever
I've decided to add a kicker in (dbol) to my understanding from mates that have done dbol it's known for high water retention, and they were doing 50mg Per day for 3-4 weeks before a stacked test cycle, I think I'm only going to do a kicker for 2 weeks, would 20-30mg per day be sufficient as I don't really want to have big water retention then go into a test cycle....or would running a low dosage of armidex when cycling the dbol help reduce water retention? Cheers
I've decided to add a kicker in (dbol) to my understanding from mates that have done dbol it's known for high water retention, and they were doing 50mg Per day for 3-4 weeks before a stacked test cycle, I think I'm only going to do a kicker for 2 weeks, would 20-30mg per day be sufficient as I don't really want to have big water retention then go into a test cycle....or would running a low dosage of armidex when cycling the dbol help reduce water retention? Cheers

Dbol increases estrogen. That is why guys "retain" water on it.

This is a very bad idea. We have explained to you in this thread and the stickies why adding another compound is a bad idea on your first cycle. You should not do this. I am disappointed your would make this decision after everything we have discussed.
Ahhh good point mate, honestly didn't think of that, was thinking of you saying about not to do winny at the end of a cycle. So I'll leave the kicker alone mate. This thread has been quality and I'm so glad I did research and asked questions rather than going in at the deep end like some my mates have. Cheers guys.
Pre cycle Blood work done today, results are in a week. Looking forward to getting them and getting this cycle going.