shoulder pain


New member
have been taking glucosamine for my joints, just coming off of a deca/teste cycle. the pain is my shoulder is dulled when on deca , now it is begining to ache and interfere with working out. i have had cortizone injected into it a few times in the past few years. my question is, other than obviously going back to the doctor, is there any over the counter supplements that relieve joint pain? any suggestions would be appreciated
Dude i feel ya i've took everything you can think of for my shoulder deca helped a little i had to get a MRI and it was my rotater cuff had if fixed and was out for about 10m it really sucks now my right shoulder hirts 10 times more then my left one ever did guess what im tryin to say is good luck with it........ you can take sometime of you just go super lite in the gym that away you can build you little muscels up cuz when you on the juice your bigger muscels out grow the little ones...... sorry if i miss spelled anything doing this from the cell drivin down the road hope i helped out some