Show your tatoos!!

Ill have to get on this. some very nice tats in this thread allready. i have my wrist, calf and smaller upper back which i want to cover eventually or work into something, and would love to start on sleeves. but want to tone up even more since i would prefer not stretched out tats haha.

side not have any of you guys noticed distorting in the tat after you gained lots of muscle?
Ribs hurt like a B****. I get the lovely experience to feel it again next Sunday. I like pain but damn, it's very hard for me to sit there without wanting to tell my girl to stop. I have never tapped out before but I always have the thought in my head when the ribs get touched.
Here are mine, sorry crappy cell pic

This pic was taken in the mirror, so the ancient greek text is backwards; it should read in Greek "PANTA EXECTIN ALLA PANTA OY OIKODOMEI." It's from I Corinthians 10:23 and means "all things are lawful, but not all things edify." This was a two-parter. I had the gryphon done first 5-yrs ago and had the text added a year later.
nice ink fellas and ladies....working on my right arm/upper chest now..all japanese style, will post when done! fuck this shit is getting expensive! i spent more in one session for the new sleeve than i did on my whole left get what ya pay for tho. keep them comin!
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