Shredded mass cycle


New member
Hi all. This will my first cycle. I've done a fair amount of research and it seems Epi which is in shredded mass is a good beginner hormone. I would just like to make sure that I have everything I need so as to not mess myself up.
I train 4 times a week and play football on the weekend. 5"5 65kg 11%BF.
Plan atm:
Week 1-4 - 30mg epi (shredded)
Week 1-8 - Omega 3,6,9 plus Animal flex
Week 1-8 Berocca multi vit
Week 5 -8 BBS PCT complete (can't get nolva)
Week 5-8 Milk Thistle
Week 5-8 CoQ10 and trib

Any ideas/tips are much appreciated.
Looks good. Is get taurine on hand for back pumps. If they show their ugly head dose 3-7 gr a day and use potassium. Or eat bananas. The trib is worthless, but won't hurt any thing. If your in a country where you can't get a seem, go to, the have an article on o.t.c p.c.t. never read it though. Epi can be run higher. I allways suggest high doses of fish oil, like 20gr a day. People will argue this a little, one of the overlooked problems with these compounds is lipid levels. Their truly whacked out usually. I also use dhea 50mg a day. Our bodies stop making it when suppresion hits. I've found it to be helpful with lathargy. Not allways though. I suggest starting a test booster last week of cycle and discontinue dhea on last day of p.c.t. run erase 3/2/1 starting last day of p.c.t. hope you have a fun cycle!
Dude I dident see a liver protection. Udaca is the best way, research it, liver longer has it in it. Next best prob liv52. 3xd. Or both. Zero alcohol or tylenol. While on cycle. Also celery seed and Hawthorne berry. Load the Hawthorne berry 500mg 2xd for two weeks prior to cycle. Use the celery if you have b.p issues. My own lathargy is making me miss stuff! Hope that covers it!
you can get nolva (though i'd recommend clomid) and you're just not looking hard enough. you don't have to worry about getting tracked down since its grey market stuff.

estro rebound is a possibility with any PH out there and gyno is a bitch. get some nolva or clomid and run it or take your chances. your call.
This is an exact cycle I just ran...and it was a lot of fun and I had peace of mind that I was protected, minimal shutdown, and my PCT was dialed and I recovered beautifully!!! DON'T SKIMP on cycle support or PCT bro, and I would steer away from Nolva IMO.

1-8 RS-Transaderm (5 pumps ED am/after shower) test base for cycle
1-4 Liver Fix (2 caps am/pm) Extra Liver protection, then start N2 Guard!
3-8 Epi-Strong (45mg ED for 4 weeks, 60 mg ED last 2 weeks)
3-8 N2Guard (5-7 caps ED)
3-8 HCGenerate (5 caps ED)
9-12 Torem (90/90/60/30)
9-12 Post-Cycle (1 cap 3X ED)
9-12 Unleashed (1 cap 3X ED)
8-12 Forma-Stanzol (5 pumps am/pm 1st 4 weeks, 3 pumps am/pm last 2 weeks)
9-12 DAA (3 grams ED)

Now I am running SARMs...hope this helps you bro! PM me if you have any questions.
Cool, thx. looking into all those products. I can get my hands on nolva now so will be using that (muscleaddiction why do u not use it?). Is it a good idea to use it in conjunction with the BBS complete PCT or will they be working against each other. Is milk thistle not enough for liver support?
Cool, thx. looking into all those products. I can get my hands on nolva now so will be using that (muscleaddiction why do u not use it?). Is it a good idea to use it in conjunction with the BBS complete post cycle therapy (pct) or will they be working against each other. Is milk thistle not enough for liver support?

I will only use Torem from now on. There is a study showing that Torem actually lowers LH production, but my experience and the experience of pretty much everyone that has used it for post cycle therapy (pct) will agree that it is amazing for post cycle therapy (pct), and I can say it really worked well for me. It will bring your HPTA up almost overnight, and it will get your boys swinging in no time and there are many reports of a greatly reduced "crash" when used as the post cycle therapy (pct) SERM. Many will say that this is the Nolva of today...just my opinion. A brother of mine turned me onto Torem and I will thank him forever!

Milk Thistle is fine for your liver, but do yourself a favor and look into N2 Guard...all inclusive cycle support formula!

N2 Guard - the one support supplement to rule them all is FINELY here!

If you need anymore help just PM me bro!