Shut down 4 months after cycle?


New member
Whats up guys im pretty new to this site. So about 4 months ago I completed my first ever test e cycle(500 mg for 8 weeks) was off two weeks then began my pct which included nolva 40,40,20,20. I know I should've used HCG but I couldn't get it. Everything was great untill a couple of weeks ago when my testicles seemed smaller. My sex drive is fine but my semen is watery and my loads are much smaller. Im back on nolva trying to fix the problem, but i figured you guys would be a big help.
You are right. You should have used HCG. Why can't you get it? You got the test!!??! I'm not on HCG, but I'm on TRT for LIFE. If I were trying to recover, HCG would have been my protocol.
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Can you please post your blood work so we can see what is going on? Without that we are guessing like you are.

Where is the clomid in your PCT?

Age? Height? Weight? Body fat %? How many pounds gained on cycle and how much of those gains have you kept since ending your cycle?