side effects of deca compared to testosterone


New member
how bad are the androgenic/estrogenic side effects of deca compared to testosterone? I always get really hairy and I get some acne when I go on cycle. just in case anyone asks I would be running a base dose of test if I do decide to run deca.
Control your estradiol, and you shouldn't notice anything more than from a test only cycle as far as sides go. Deca isn't as androgenic as test, if that answers your question.
thank you but it didn't mention anything about how to counteract the possible progesterone side effects? if i decide to use deca ill probably run 300 or 400 mg a week. plus ill probably use NPP for 8 weeks instead of deca.
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thank you but it didn't mention anything about how to counteract the possible progesterone side effects? if i decide to use deca ill probably run 300 or 400 mg a week. plus ill probably use NPP for 8 weeks instead of deca.

Yes deca aromatizes (not as much as test), but controlling estradiol is key. If you keep E2 under control, you shouldn't have problems with prolactin - which is what causes "deca dick". Having a dopamine agonist on hand is a good idea just in case though. Pramipexole is usually the easiest to source as research chem places tend to carry it (like RUI), but caber (in pill form only) is also fine.
If i use prop as my base how long do you think i should wait to start PCT? Also im thinking about throwing in some tbol with the npp because im looking for a more anabolic cycle this time.
If i use prop as my base how long do you think i should wait to start PCT? Also im thinking about throwing in some tbol with the npp because im looking for a more anabolic cycle this time.
That's a question covered in the stickies. I don't mind answering questions, but I'm not going to spoonfeed you. :p

you need use dostinex with deca

Dostinex, aka caber is not required. Prolactin elevates with estradiol; keep estradiol levels in range, and you typically don't have to worry as much about prolactin problems. It is advised to have a dopamine agonist on hand though (caber/prami/bromo), in case hyperprolactinemia occurs.
i haven't decided if ill run slin with my next cycle yet.

What made you change your mind on your awesome 1 week slin only run?...

alright so ive been using insulin and metiformin for the past week now with great results but im wondering is running the metiformin on the same days as insulin a bad idea? because ive been using the 10 grams of carbs method and not only have I gained no fat at all but I feel like ive leaned out a little bit and I was wondering is this due to the metiformin?

I'm really hoping your a troll at this point because I've never seen this much mental masturbation from someone before :)
What made you change your mind on your awesome 1 week slin only run?...

I'm really hoping your a troll at this point because I've never seen this much mental masturbation from someone before :)

leave it to zilla to call it as he sees it.. lol

im gonna have to go and get my popcorn again for this one
...standing by as well...does anyone even read enough to ask a challenging or something not covered in the stickies which are Gear 101 -202 if not 301.

Deca - Test
Apples - Oranges

Both fruit s yes but oh the differances....fuck what do I eat for the most fructose before I train.....