Sides force me to stop short - need suggestions


New member
To make a long story short - I was starting Anavar at 50mg for 2 weeks before I started the rest of my gear, but the var is either actually dbol or just not right because I am now 6 days in my face is bloated, and my eyes are discolored which is obviously signs of liver problems (Yes, I checked all my levels 3 weeks ago and was fine)

Anyhow, I am stopping obviously but because this sh*t might be dbol and not Anavar (var), even after 6 days do I need to hop to PCT? If so, how extensive?

I appreciate your time and feel free to rip me for being an idiot...much deserved.
Sorry to hear bro. Anavar is really mild, especially at 50mg, you should be fine. However, get your levels checked and compare to your last results.
Stop taking it and swallow some milk thistle caps every day. If it is dbol, it will clear your system very fast.
Milk thistle or Liv52 is not PCT, but any type of liver antioxidant should always be ran on-cycle with any AAS, from day 1. That is rule #1.